Passive Skill Refund Points Not Working

After the skill tree reset forcibly refunded all of my skill points, I attempted to recreate my old skill tree, but noticed a few errors. I wasn't about to complain about my mistake, so I decided to spend the refund points to backtrack. That is where the problem arose. I press y to refund the points... and nothing happens. I am trying it at every end of my skill tree. I even spent a skill point, then tried to refund it directly after and nothing happened. I have no gems that would complicate my point refund process either. This bug is infuriating me and I'm just trying to make a small change to my skill tree.

tl;dr passive refund points won't work no matter what I do

newly allocated points won't refund

yes I've tried logging out and logging back on

yes I've tried closing path of exile and opening it back up

yes I've tried turning my console off and back on again.

Is anyone else experiencing a similar problem? When will this be fixed?
Last bumped on Jul 29, 2024, 12:20:16 AM
I have the same problem, I can't refund my skill tree. I'm using a controller
Same thing is happening to me on SteamDeck. I have plenty of respect points, but cannot respect anything. Guess I could try logging in on PC... But that's not a really good fix..
Same. On Computer with controller, in new league.
2 refund points, can't refund any kind of passive skill.
However, the new respec option in the league mechanic works perfectly... Why not remove the other passive respect then???
Same here.
Same, nothing happens when I try to use the refund points I got from quests
The Bug Is No Longer Present!

After signing into Path of Exile on my Xbox (after applying their most recent update) my refund points worked as they were intended to. I strongly advise those who were struggling with the same issue to see if everything is alright on there end. I'm just happy to finally be able to get rid of a few tiny mistakes lol.

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