Game crash on loading areas

My game keep crashing between the areas whenever there is loading screen, Its not always but very frequent.
Last bumped on Jul 28, 2024, 10:08:40 AM
The same for me.
same here too
Same for me - i can't get into act 2 - very frustrating
Same crashing on loading areas. Update Nvidia Drivers. Fixed for me now. GL
This has been happening to me since last league after one of the patches mid league. No one has really had a concrete answer, nor has it been acknowledged officially, but there are tons of these threads of people having the same problem. Also, a lot of these threads, people have gen 13 or 14 intel CPUs along with a 4080/4090 as a common pattern. I have a 13th gen myself and a 4090 and no matter what I try it keeps crashing randomly.

I've been forcing myself to play this league and so far I've really noticed almost all of the crashing happens when loading into a town or any public zone really. It must be due to MTX. It might not be your mtx, but someone else's MTX that's just in the instance. The game seems relatively stable if I'm by myself in a zone.

Last league, crashes would always happen joining a map in a group, joining a town, or joining someone's hideout.

Updating to latest nvidia drivers didn't do anything. Took 18 crash to desktop/reloads before I could get back into town.
Last edited by obake1 on Jul 26, 2024, 10:10:58 PM
This is happening to me as well. The first crash was trying to get into Coast. Then Western forest, broken bridge, sceptre of god, .. now I can't enter act 4. error code is "Disconnected, Failed to Connect to instance"
Happening to me too. I7 13700k with 3090

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