Partys - Loot - Magic Find - Light Radius

i think to encourage people to party more and also to have less lag instead of giving MORE loot for partys the focus should be more on sockets.

the focuses would be on the average number of sockets and the chance of sockets being linked... the link would be based on each pare of sockets on an item not all of them together just as it is now.

1 person = 1-2 sockets with 5% chance of links

2 people = 1-3 sockets with 15% chance of links

3 people = 1-4 sockets with 20% chance of links

4 people = 2-4 sockets with 25% chance of links

5 people = 2-5 sockets with 25% chance of links

6 people = 3-5 sockets with 40% chance of links

while yes the higher level the armor the better it should be... sockets don't really effect how good an armor is... it effects its value and your skill build flexibility.

*yes there would be a lot of 6 socket items this way but still the chance to find some thing with all 6 sockets linked would be rare enough*

quantity of items should be left to gear and gems..
quality (should be added)
gem find (should be added)

also in dark maps you should be able to see around your party members and maybe even the minions instead of only around your self.
We can't solve problems we can't talk about...
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I believe you have underestimated the value of linked sockets. Not only are they much more powerful than you think but they are also strong crafting items.
They said I was mad! They said it couldn't be done! But now who's mad?!?!
i only know of 1 thing they can be used for in crafting...
We can't solve problems we can't talk about...
KiaKun wrote:
i only know of 1 thing they can be used for in crafting...

Which is crafting strong items. A 6 linked white item is powerful enough on its own. However, adding the fact that you can make it rare and keep rolling the stats could make it too strong too quickly.
They said I was mad! They said it couldn't be done! But now who's mad?!?!

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