[3.25] [Leap Slam of Groundbreaking OR Ice Crash] Elementalist Ignite League Starter

This is a league starter build that I've theory-crafted in the past few days. The number looked decent both offensive wise and defensive wise with fairly cheap unique and minimal gear. So I'd though it would be great to share as I haven't seen any league starter guide using the skills and unique I'm using.

The main aim of this build is to be able to get your 4 voidstone, farm T16 and bootstrap for a more expensive and better build. It isn't intended to do Uber bosses on it's own.

POB : https://pobb.in/04Ofv6bwiIk3

Core mechanic

This build is heavily centered around "Shaper of Flames" and "Rebuke of the Vaal". As "Shaper of the Flames" makes ANY damage ignite, any weapon that has a lot of damage no mater the type is good. So even if "Rebuke of the Vaal" has damage type all over the place, it doesn't mater. It has a lot of flat damage and that's all we need. "Rebuke of the Vaal" is also a fairly cheap early league weapon. So it's very easy to acquire it early.

Main Skills

Both "Ice Crash" and "Leap Slam of Groundbreaking" work with "Rebuke of the Vaal". Depending of the playstyle you want, you may prefer one or the other.


- Our main skills
- Ignite Proliferation on the main skills for extra clear.
- Arcanist Brand" that we can throw that will cast "Flame Surge" and "Flammability". "Flame Surge" is also linked to "Combustion" to provide an extra "-10% fire resistance".
- Shield Charge with "Culling Strike".
- Vaal Smite can be used as a temporary DPS buff. It isn't activated in the POB so make sure to tick it if you want to see the numbers with it.
- Vaal Haste is mostly there to help with the clear speed (extra movement speed and attack speed). It doesn't provide a significant bonus to DPS.

DPS numbers are around 1.2 millions DPS against pinnacle (relatively reliable damage) and rise to 1.9 million when "Vaal Smite" is active and we have Frenzy charge from Blood Rage (less reliable buff).


There is a lot of defense layer that are including in this builds.
- 50% attack & spell block.
- We can reach 50%-70% spell suppression. This isn't spell suppression cap, but it's still a good defense layer.
- We recover HP when we block (20 HP), we recover ES on spell block (50 ES), we recover ES on spell suppress (50 ES). As long as you get a bit of ES from your gear (50-100), this should essentially nullify small spell hits against you.
- We have some life regen along with life leech.
- Elemental resistances are at 79%/80%.
- Steelskin on automation.
- Flesh and Stone makes us take 19% less damage (I think it's more than that since it's affected by aura effect).
- Ignite immunity through the reduce elemental ailments duration on the passives tree (50%) and one crafted mods on a ring (an other 50%).
- Shock immunity with "Tempest Shield".
- Freeze immunity with Brine King pantheon.
- 80% reduce effect of chill with Brine King Pantheon and the reduce effect of chill on the passive tree.
- Lethe Shade
- Corrupted Blood immunity from the passive tree
- Curse can't affect our elemental resistance from the passives tree

Some of the weaknesses that remain are
- Low raw physical resistance.
- No bleed and poison immunity beside flask mods.


Some of the items that should be prioritized
- "Rebuke of the Vaal" with a "Resolute Technique" corruption. Before you get that, you can either path to the "Resolute Technique" keystone (it's 4 nodes away from the current tree) OR swap some aura for precision and get some accuracy on your gear.
- Gloves with "fire Exposure on Hit". Before you are able to craft that, you should use "Wave of conviction" on the "Arcanist Brand" setup.
- Anoint "Clever Thief" to get some life and mana leech to help sustain. It should be a fairly cheap anoint.

The rest of the gear is mostly
- Get good life roll on your gear. As we have a lot of rare gear slot, good life roll should be prioritized over good resistance roll.
- Get elemental and chaos resistance where possible.
- If you have extra suffix space try to bench craft "spell suppress"
- If you can try to get "Elemental Damage with Attack Skills" on your Ring and Amulet. Those provide fairly good DPS boosts

Late game possible improvement

One of the main damage upgrade that can be done with this build is to include "Bronn's Lithe" unique body armor to benefit from the massive +5 level of movement skill (this would only work with Leap Slam of Groundbreaking). It's however a fairly costly upgrade as it's an evasion base armor and we only have 1 green support. The coloring of this unique is likely going to be very pricy in terms of Chromatic Orb.

You can try to get "Polaric Devastation" or "Xoph's Heart" to get the "Covered in Ash" 20% more fire damage.
Last edited by HoLyVieR on Jul 25, 2024, 11:39:19 PM
Last bumped on Jul 31, 2024, 4:30:55 AM
Have you tried the build?
I am on the fence of trying it, because there is no gameplay video of it.

I want to add, isn't it better to stack avoid elemental ailments on items and then pass 4 points that give you less duration on shock and so on ?

Also any idea how to level this character?
Last edited by Lafielaq on Jul 31, 2024, 5:47:56 AM

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