成为游戏标准游戏测试员-Let's be the quality beta testers
DiabloIII wrote:
优秀的测试人员应该表现在那几个方面,对游戏产品又应该怎么样进行测试?我比较下看到的和了解的,简单说一下我的感觉和体会. 以下只是我认为测试应该做的。 Translation: [We are quality beta testers] How do we differentiate a quality beta testers with the others? and how do we test a product? We are going to explain what we are supposed to test. Below are what beta testers should do: DiabloIII wrote: 一、 测试人员的素质(可能比较理想) 1. 熟悉该游戏开发的程序框架,能独立写程序代码。 2. 熟悉该游戏的内容、特色和开发的过程。 3. 熟悉该游戏的各项数值,对数值有很强的兴趣. 4. 了解基本的游戏运营过程,了解市场的变化,了解基本游戏的推广过程。 5. 有随时记录工作笔记的习惯,有很好的耐心和不疲不眷的精神(职业玩家的精神)。 Characteristics of a beta tester(could be more optimal): 1)Understanding of the structure(coding) of the game ; able to code. 2)Familiarity of the game's content and development 3)Understanding of the characteristics of the game ; interest with said characteristics. 4)Understanding of the basic laws of the game , changing demands of the market and basic marketing techniques to sell the game. 5)Frequent use of notes ; patient towards the game with a 'never give up' attitude. DiabloIII wrote: 二、 游戏产品测试的范围和过程 二、 The testing process of the game's characteristics DiabloIII wrote: 1) 视觉效果 从生物学的角度来看,视觉是人类最容易获取信息的手段,眼睛是获取信息量最大的器官,人类和外界的大部分交流都是通过视觉来完成的。对于游戏来讲,主要也是通过画面传递给用户主要的信息,通过色调和画面,以保证用户视觉的舒适,该测试将站在用户的角度,来测试游戏视觉是否满足用户的舒适需求。 1) Visual characteristics Biologically , humans receive the most information through their eyes as it is their most important organ in this regard ; humans use it to interact with the world.In a gaming perspective ; in order to judge its visuals , beta testers will look from the perspective of the end user on whether or not its visual quality are satisfactory. DiabloIII wrote: 2) 色调测试 游戏本身反应出的虚拟环境色调,该测试将站在用户的角度,测试游戏虚拟环境中,用户感官是否适应。过暗和过亮的色调,可能让用户对游戏产生误判,导致用户流失。 2) Color(tone) test The game itself reflects the virtual environment color.Beta testers will look from the user perspective to determine whether or not the immersion is satisfactory for the player.The light and dark contrast , if displeasing , will cause the game to lose a player. DiabloIII wrote: 3) 画面效果 游戏中的人物、道具和环境,是否画面细腻,在游戏整体运行中的画面配合上,是否细致,测试用户对产品风格是否适合。以保证用户对产品的接受度。 3) Visual effects on screen Test for the on-screen quality(including during gameplay)of characters , props and the environment ; whether or not the art style is suitable.This is to increase the audience acceptability to the product. DiabloIII wrote: 4) 音乐音效 在游戏的表现上,可以利用声音来强化产品的品质和用户的感觉。音乐音效可以加强用户的情绪表现。测试将对游戏进行特殊和环境情节下,人物的各个表现所产生的音效,是否能正确的传达游戏信息,以增强用户对游戏的热情。 4) Music effects Music could be used in the game to intensify the positive characteristics(feel)and emotion of the game.Beta testers will look to see if the music are appropriate at every instance whereby the environment is correlating the correct feel to the player , intensifying the moment. DiabloIII wrote: 1) 可玩性 职业和技能的平衡性测试,职业发展和情节发展是否贴切,以检验游戏在运营过程中,用户未来的虚拟发展情况,以保证游戏的特色鲜明,游戏人物设置平衡,游戏未来运营发展中,是否具有调整弹性。 [player interaction] 1)Playability Testing of player balance in terms of skills and jobs.Such as if player progression is smooth ; whether play progression remains fresh at later levels.Testing on the balance of roles(charaters) and flexibility of the class. DiabloIII wrote: 2) 道具设定 对游戏中道具进行视觉测试,以测试用户在虚拟环境中,使用道具的外貌效果,是否对游戏人物有美容的效果。用户使用后,是否能促使用户对道具有极大的追求度。道具同时将进行出现率测试,以保证道具的出现率设定的科学性,有利职位的发展,和技能的平衡性发展。 2) item(and cosmetic) appeal Testing of game props ; whether it fits the setting with the visual effects of props where it would enhance the aesthetics of the character in the game.Testing on whether if item(s) would be difficult to find according to statistics , are not detrimental to player growth and balance. DiabloIII wrote: 3) 玩家互动 测试用户在游戏中的互动性,是否合理并有利游戏的各项发展。 3)Player interaction Testing on the interaction of the player with the game that is beneficial to player growth (e.g partying i guess) [/quote] DiabloIII wrote: 4) 交流沟通 用户在游戏中,聊天是否能最大限度的为用户提供方便,是否各项屏道转换的操作方便,聊天信息的显示位置是否合理,聊天窗口是否过多的占用游戏画面等。 4)Player to player interaction Testing to see if chatting is convenient in game ; if space for chat window is fairly sized , if it is easy for them to resize the window. [/quote] DiabloIII wrote: 5) 团队配合 用户的互动中,除了交流沟通外,还有团队的配合。测试将根据游戏中,在团队配合性上,是否可以积极的促进用户互动,并充分体现出游戏的可玩性。 5) Party interaction In addition to player to player interaction , there is also party interaction.Beta testers will , according to the game , see if there is any cohesion in parties that would increase interaction , thus increasing(or showing) Playability. ☞☞☞The People's Republic of China☜☜☜ ▶▁▂▃▄▅凯恩之角 ☠ DiabloIII▅▄▃▂▁◀ ۞۞۞۞۞۞http://d.163.com/۞۞۞۞۞۞ Last edited by DiabloIII#0887 on Aug 19, 2011, 3:43:31 AM
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please close that and remove this account from the beta que
thanks... | |
Wow lets hope translator can deal with that.
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" This is not a Ad or anything. We are from Diablo3 team in China. Hope to join this game :) ☞☞☞The People's Republic of China☜☜☜
▶▁▂▃▄▅凯恩之角 ☠ DiabloIII▅▄▃▂▁◀ ۞۞۞۞۞۞http://d.163.com/۞۞۞۞۞۞ |
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looks like your promoting your website through another forum. Last time i checked, thats what advertising is. I dont think it will be very effective on this english forum. Please do not spam this site.
Hot potato, Hot potato.
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To bad i can't read all of that
Guild:KnightsOfShadow "Awaiting the path to open, so I shall exile you from out of this realm’s existence" Born to pk, Born to game, Born to be hated. |
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google translated
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Here is my sloppy translation so at least everyone can read it.Its a pretty good read too , just maybe a little stringent on things that a beta tester should know.
" Translation: [We are quality beta testers] How do we differentiate a quality beta testers with the others? and how do we test a product? We are going to explain what we are supposed to test ; we hope to get a beta key! Below are what beta testers should do: " Characteristics of a beta tester(could be more optimal): 1)Understanding of the structure(coding) of the game ; able to code. 2)Familiarity of the game's content and development 3)Understanding of the characteristics of the game ; interest with said characteristics. 4)Understanding of the basic laws of the game , changing demands of the market and basic marketing techniques to sell the game. 5)Frequent use of notes ; patient towards the game with a 'never give up' attitude. " 2) The testing process of the game's characteristics " 1) Visual characteristics Biologically , humans receive the most information through their eyes as it is their most important organ in this regard ; humans use it to interact with the world.In a gaming perspective ; in order to judge its visuals , beta testers will look from the perspective of the end user on whether or not its visual quality are satisfactory. " 2) Color(tone) test The game itself reflects the virtual environment color.Beta testers will look from the user perspective to determine whether or not the immersion is satisfactory for the player.The light and dark contrast , if displeasing , will cause the game to lose a player. " 3) Visual effects on screen Test for the on-screen quality(including during gameplay)of characters , props and the environment ; whether or not the art style is suitable.This is to increase the audience acceptability to the product. " 4) Music effects Music could be used in the game to intensify the positive characteristics(feel)and emotion of the game.Beta testers will look to see if the music are appropriate at every instance whereby the environment is correlating the correct feel to the player , intensifying the moment. " [player interaction] 1)Playability Testing of player balance in terms of skills and jobs.Such as if player progression is smooth ; whether play progression remains fresh at later levels.Testing on the balance of roles(charaters) and flexibility of the class. " 2) item(and cosmetic) appeal Testing of game props ; whether it fits the setting with the visual effects of props where it would enhance the aesthetics of the character in the game.Testing on whether if item(s) would be difficult to find according to statistics , are not detrimental to player growth and balance. " 3)Player interaction Testing on the interaction of the player with the game that is beneficial to player growth (e.g partying i guess) [/quote] " 4)Player to player interaction Testing to see if chatting is convenient in game ; if space for chat window is fairly sized , if it is easy for them to resize the window. [/quote] " 5) Party interaction In addition to player to player interaction , there is also party interaction.Beta testers will , according to the game , see if there is any cohesion in parties that would increase interaction , thus increasing(or showing) Playability. Wow that took a long time to translate , though more accurate than the google translate posted above.Its good to see that this game has such a wide appeal though , seeing that it has all the elements that Diablo ditched. Last edited by chia247#5404 on Aug 18, 2011, 8:17:25 AM
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Herp posted twice.
Last edited by chia247#5404 on Aug 18, 2011, 8:14:53 AM
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