Rng loot alteration should not be attached to factually benefit loot effects.

Good loot alteration is stuff like crop rotation. It basically breaks even but makes it more engaging for some people having higher peaks and deep lows. And some people don’t like that so they don’t use it and they arnt forced to cause it isn’t attached to anything.

The essence and the harbinger changes are not like this.

The essences building on a boss as you go through a map is a really fun mechanic that combined challenge to reward… but it prevents you farming corrupted essences. Which is horrid.

The essences on boss should be the only text on the noteable and the corruption change should be on another. You could split the wheel it’s on in 2 and the side the corruption nodes are on could be the one with the loot alteration cause it fits the theme.

The harbinger scarab is also horrid. The scarab should just be harbingers are more likely to drop rarer shards. Adding this rng all or nothing element as well is horrid feeling. I grinded with it from league start until 3 days ago and never once got a fracture proc but I remove that stupid scarab and shard by shard I have built over 10 fracturing orbs over the past 3 days of hard grinding. But not using that scarab I know over an infinite timeframe I am factually just losing money compared to running it which is not fun. The all shards are converted to a single type should be a noteable on the atlas tree.

These mechanics can be fun for certain people and extremely unfun for others and I believe forcing them through loot optimisation is in bad taste and do not believe it adds anything.
Last edited by arcanemastery on Apr 28, 2024, 9:19:15 AM
Last bumped on Apr 27, 2024, 11:04:21 PM

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