Please help me with my DD necro


I kinda followed a build.

I don't know how to craft items, so I basically just find stuff and use them.

I spent so 6 divs on the headhunter to try it out, but can sell it back if it's not useful.

I know my helmet is stupic, but I use it for the resistances, I still can't get the trigger recipe.

any suggestions would be amazing!

Thanks in advance!
Last bumped on May 10, 2024, 8:08:44 PM
Here is a version I made, was very happy with it's performance and cost.
You need to scale the health of the corpse, and you have points in exposure without a way to apply exposure.
Lots for you to learn.
Thank you!!!
oh I totally agree, I still have so much to learn about this beautiful game.

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