Souls Like ARPG: No Rest for the Wicked

Hello exiles.

This game dropped today on Steam and the main feature is physical based combat which means it's not simple target tab and forget but combat depends more on positioning and the type of weapon you use similar as Elden Ring.
Has also stamina for block and dodge rolls from what i saw.

That was a TLDR. Has anyone tried it yet and considers it maybe.

I personally will wait as it seems to have performance issues which is probably the main reason for the currently mixed reviews.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last bumped on Jun 18, 2024, 12:18:30 AM
Ugly characters, can't skip cutscenes, performance is decent, a lot of scenes have problems with using resources(like this one). I played with disabled dynamic render scale.


After some longer playing, don't buy it.
On Probation Any%
Last edited by Dxt44#4050 on Apr 21, 2024, 12:25:40 PM
I'd also leave a mixed-bad review if I had to play a simple game like this capped on 60 fps 1080p hoho
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
I read some reviews and the forums there.

Biggest complains so far are:

Bad performance ,item durability loss after death, slow/no respawning monsters/ressources and to a lesser extent not much content.

Durability was fixed to some degree in a recent patch. But the game still seems to heat up the Nvidia 4K series.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
gandhar0 wrote:
I read some reviews and the forums there.

Biggest complains so far are:

Bad performance

depends on how busy the screen gets, seems a much slower and less populated game world than PoE so (assuming it's the same late game) it should be easier to optimize for.

It's something i think a lot of players of PoE tend to forget, the amount of shit you make the game do the worse the performance is, the fact that they game is even remotely playable when you are in the thick of a juiced map is a win in terms of optimization.

One game that irked me was swtor (mmo) and the open world PvP area, as soon as you got into the zone your game started slogging, get to the action you were in a sideshow )and it wasn't even that populated), then the game would just use all ram available and then crash. their fix for this was to disable the PvP in the zone rendering it pointless.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Very much looking forward to the console release.

Alaloth had the idea of blending ARPG and Souls but NRFTW has the skill to see it through.

Love the painterly aesthetic and complexity of hand-made everything. The storytelling focus seems solid. The chonk of combat is appropriate. Living world features like an evolving town based on your contributions are chefs kiss for me.

Seeing Exiles naysay it is about as surprising as last week's weather, given this game seems entirely the manifestation of what y'all seemed fucking terrified PoE was becoming. That and duh, an early access with performance issues? Ffs. That isnt a valid deal breaker and more the fool whoever makes that their bottom line. Again, seeing Exiles lean on that figuratively murders me given how large a gap there is between PoE's performance and its visual impact.

Enjoying Shillup's take on NRFTW reinforcing my initial impressions.

Yep. This one's for me. Heck of a year for me gamewise.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Tapped into Lagwin in a mob fight, and won. LoL XD
i initially hated it. but i learned how to like it.

for starters, as with many people, this game is HORRIBLY OPTIMIZED.

i had to turn down my graphics A HUGE LOT and even went to the lowest resolution to be able to decently play this game. else it crashes like a MFer.

i acknowledge that this is a huge problem but the huge caveat that many people are "forgetting" is its in early access.

i m pretty sure the devs know that this is not where they want their game to be.

the game artstyle.
its highly subjective. either you like it or you dont. and its fine to not like it.

personally i think its a very interesting choice. i honestly think if they used "normal body proportions" the game would lose its iconic look and might end up looking too similar to diablo 3.

as for the gameplay. i initially hated it. i cant parry shit. but there are many ways to deal with it.

use faster attacks, run/dash out of the way. get better gear etc.

in a way i appreciate it a lot as theres a lot of emphasis placed on melee.

tho i m still waiting for the devs to allow us to respec.
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Took a look at this - anyone tried New World from a few years ago (Amazon Game studios 1st major gaming release)? Weapon as build exactly the same concept.

Thinking about giving this a try but playing these ea titles is pretty damn frustrating at times.
Last edited by Glorfndel01#6465 on May 30, 2024, 7:42:50 PM
I would also appreciate words of wisdom on buying this or not as it currently stands? It sounds like there's a lot of promise but with design choices (that could be fixable) on things like rng/respecting player time. My biggest worry was a review suggesting there are signs the devs may be designing towards p2w/microtransaction systems?

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