Downgrade pantheon upgrades

All you'd need to do is make a Divine Vessel right clickable while empty with the pantheon open, then apply it to the line item in question.

Alternatively, make us re-capture the god in question while already having it. Right-clicking to apply would remove the one in question (probably easier).
Last bumped on May 2, 2024, 7:55:28 PM
+1 to this
Last edited by kimzxj on Apr 27, 2024, 1:08:52 PM
Absolutely agree that the last change in Pantheon is not a quality of life but rather the opposite. Just one of many examples - I wanna make a self-chill build with being able to avoid Freeze, taking Brine King for the purpose. It would have worked usually but now I am unnecessarily forced to choose another major pantheon. The "deal with it" was a total show of disrespect from Mark to the audience. It only shows how little he knows about his own game and its atmosphere. I'm sorry, Mark but we need that reversed. Also, on a side note, the uber lab trials being completed once per league is also necessary for partially the same reason. Mark is missing the difference between "a quality of life" feature and simply making something easier without any actual reason. I'd be happy if GGG read my comment and learn to put some love in their game rather than making it a slot machine for the addicted...
Last edited by fostaa on May 2, 2024, 8:56:36 AM
Much ado about nothing. From the 3.24 patch notes:

When upgrading a Pantheon Power with a Divine Vessel, the upgrade will now be applied for all of your characters in that League. Using a Divine Vessel when you already have the relevant Pantheon Power from a Map unlocked will toggle the upgrade for your character.

ArtCrusade wrote:
Much ado about nothing. From the 3.24 patch notes:

When upgrading a Pantheon Power with a Divine Vessel, the upgrade will now be applied for all of your characters in that League. Using a Divine Vessel when you already have the relevant Pantheon Power from a Map unlocked will toggle the upgrade for your character.


Even so, it ass-backwards. If a character wants a power or upgrade to a power the character should have to go get it, not already have it and undo it if they don't want it.
It wasn't a huge quality of life feature solution, what's 4x divine vessels and 4x maps additional per character?
It was a nice addition of power to a new character to have to go obtain, now if you've chosen those pantheons previously you're just granted power.
It had the same feeling as finishing uber lab on a fresh character, unlock all the points. It's not like you benefit from them during the campaign, all that extra code and testing to implement a feature that saves people 4 vessels and 4 maps on an alt, did not really hit the mark.

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