Misha_pudge mirror shop

Hi my armoured brothers. Sorry for late post, but u know how lazy I am.

I am playing last leagues mostly on aura/armour stackers. Trying to do best gear for myself, cause nobody crafted it in the past, so I decide to learn crafting process few league ago(from zero to hero). Now can offer bis gear mostly.

Settler league news:

This league I was in touch with @bigdaddy a lot, he is youtuber, as well as armour stacker enthusiast. For this league we have same vision of many arm stack aspects. We did some pobs calculation together sometimes as well as sharing our ideas, he helped me with testing a lot cause many changes this league. So I wanna say him thanks here also. Check his YouTube to know all armour stacker news, he do videos often.

Also in this league I meet @BadWolf and @Simon from Echo Shop, those crazy guys help me to craft hardest project of mine crafting experience ( they spend like a week on it and smth like 20 mirrors only on implicit ), its was onslaught+end charge+unwavering stance boots. so I wanna say thanks here also to them for cooperation on this project. You can check their shop for bis int stack items.

This league buff/nerfs:

1.First is that old unbreakable jugg passives changed ( 8%armour to ele apply dont exist more ) as well ggg decreased number of source phys to any (ele+chaos) shifting ( toh, mastery, corrupts shields, craft body, craft helmet, watchers etc) and now VERY HARD to use transcendence. I decide that solution is just make bigger ES pool as well as stacking End charges (cause now thay apply to ele mitigation after resistance as second layer) as much as possible.
2.Change Inspiration gem now its "less" not "reduced" so u cant stack it with another "reduced". Now its hard to use Marches of the Legion cause cant make GRACE zero cost, well u can with big investment still, but I decide that its not worth at all. Solution - new rare boots, imagine you dont need press grace every few sec now.
3. +8 amu, its amazing nothing to say. even +4 is overdps any other amulet.
4. all melee bufs are very goof for us. All scaling from +gems much better now, rage is much better now, awesome tinctures.
5.For attack skills solid choice is smite or smite of div judg ( best aoe clear, one shot full screen)
and molten strike with nimis ( best solo target dps), lightning strike of arching is in-between.
6.for classes - my choice for this league is ascendant, cause girl ofc. But possible to play as chieftains, jugger, slayer, champion also ( I recommend life version here) or even Trickster CI.
7. I don't recommend original sin version of armour stack for this league, cause lower u ES pool a lot, need extra jewel socket for balance of terror to obtain the benefit, than need some time to stack all wither, than need to press extra button every few sec. and we have very strong ele penetration tincture now.

I prefer build when u can easy change molten to smite in few sec, just change 1 ring and 2-3 gems, this all. so u can swap depends on content u want today, bossing, valdos, map clear, just 40/40 etc. its only my choice but i can def reccomend it for qol. I suggest such progression of gear upgrading - any fire res overcap body>helmet>amulet>boots>rings>gloves>clusters.

to do service contact with me:
@Misha_Pudge Hi Misha, I want mirror service
if I am offline, discord - @Misha39

Helmets -

~price 1 mirror
Fee - 140 divines. Bis for armour stacker and aurabots this league, some build can also use who want +many auras and big es.

Boots -
~price 1 mirror
~price 1 mirror
Fee - 300 divines with onslaught, 200 div max Es pair. One of them called victory, nothing to say more here. With such boots u dont use 10 tattoo for avoid stun and grab extra 60% evasion or some movement speed. With onslaught you can switch flask, when hard feaured touched valdos content you want jade flask, in all other situation quicksilver must be enough. Second boots just insane ES + endurance.

Bodies -
~price 1 mirror
Fee - 100 any. this league we can finally skip grasping mail cause recombinators back, so choose necrotic base for more dps or twilight regalia.

Rings -
~price 1 mirror
~price 1 mirror
~price 1 mirror
Fee - 200 any. one ring with discipline have bigger ES pool, grace one have more dps, so choose depends on your preference. ring with condo made for smiters. last prefix with mana doesnt matter this league. 7% reduced or 33 regen both same in terms of efficient.

Gloves -
~price 1 mirror
Fee - 100 div. nothing changes here from last league. Boring slot atm, easy to craft yourself.

CLusters -
~price 1 mirror
Fee - 100 div. Bis implicit and explicit in terms of mine vision of current armour stacker.
Last edited by Mikle on Sep 16, 2024, 1:49:44 AM
Last bumped on Sep 18, 2024, 2:56:38 AM

Didn't expect there to be an alternative for Eternal Struggle, but this amulet will let me run another aura in the future, and gives me more ES+Regen. Extremely helpful and friendly guy, I recommend
Thanks for helmet

Tyvm for the armour quick and easy service
Last edited by HSJ on Jan 26, 2024, 3:27:31 PM

Tyvm for mirror service + rep

+rep for mirror service

His items are powerful. Using these and huge spec improvements were possible.

ty for help and this amazing helm

+rep for mirror service
+rep for mirror service of grasping mail

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