Spectre body glitch in ruthless has made me quit the league

took out my raise spectre gem in the final area of labs so I could apply exp to the gem. Spectre bodys are gone. The failsafe they say happens (move to next eligible zone) did not work and the bodys are nowhere to be found. They were perfect dark reaper specters almost impossible to get on ruthless and now I'm left with nothing. Do I even bother asking ggg for help or am I just screwed and quitting?
Last bumped on Jan 6, 2024, 5:27:10 PM
btw this is an absurd policy to not help anyone out on stuff like this. completely ridiculous that I should be punished for this mechanic not working
No game this complex is bug free, and you've been playing POE long enough to know it certainly isn't.

It's also pretty crazy to think GGG would replace any item that anyone claimed they lost to a bug.

The new spectres have been buggy all league. The safest way to dispel high value ones is probably in town or HO, but even that might not be 100% foolproof.

I'm genuinely sorry for your loss. I've played in Ruthless just a bit and getting anything there is a major accomplishment. Something like this totally sucks.
It's especially grating because they made changes to both content and forced the interaction. The labyrinth changes incentivized me to go there and the only way I could apply the experience bonus to my spectre gem was to take it out and put it in the fountain, making my spectres disappear.

I can see not replacing things in certain situations but to just have a blanket policy where they just dont feel like dealing with it is unacceptable in my opinion, especially when you consider the monetary policy they have. Oh if you have a payment problem (trouble giving us money?) then by all means contact support right away!!! Anything else tho f off. Seems pretty messed up to me.
Last edited by Hurdurrrr on Jan 6, 2024, 5:29:57 PM

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