Maps conversion on Standard


When Ancestor league ended, my map stash tab migrated to standard as a remove-only stash tab. At that time, my actual map stash tab was empty, so I set it to Ancestor league and moved all of the maps from the remove-only stash tab to the actual map stash tab.

Looking back, I think I mismanaged my map stash tabs horribly because now, in Affliction, I cannot stash maps in the map stash tab because it's set to Ancestor.

Emptying the map stash tab and selling all of the Ancestor maps to a vendor to turn them into Affliction maps and setting the map stash tab to Affliction and stashing them back doesn't seem like a solution as I have ~1000 maps and I don't even have that much space to fit all of them, not even talking about the work required. Also, I don't really know what the "CONVERT MAPS" button does but it's greyed out anyway with the message "You cannot convert this Map Stash because you must have at least 1 non-remove-only Map Stash set to the current map series".

Can you please help with this? Also, can you please explain what the best practice is regarding migrated maps? Like, what do people usually do when a challenge league ends and maps are migrated to standard?

Thank you and Happy New Year!!
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 5:22:10 PM
Convert will systematically (and randomly) move all your maps from a tab that is not the current league and automatically port them into a current-league stash tab. It's not instantaneous, and you can stop mid way through the process, but the only way to save certain maps is to physically remove them beforehand (i.e. last league had Shores, but it has again been removed from the Atlas. Any Shores map you have would become a random map of the same tier in 3.22 excluding anything upgraded with Voidstones).

You should be able to convert to 3.22 whatever map tab is not remove only. Once 3.23 launches then all map tabs will become remove only, and you will get a new, empty 3.23 map tab. Technically, I don't know if that is the case for any maps that were obtained in Standard.
Conversion can change map level of unique maps to "base" level.
That's a known bug.

I would "test sell" high unique maps and expensive other maps manualy at vendor.
So you can see what u will get. Take map out before conversion if u don't like result - and u have the space :-)

You can run old maps though without atlas completion.

Completing an old map sets ALL lower (and equal?) old completed maps in your new atlas as "completed".
This restores most of your "old" atlas completion in standard.

If too many old maps are converted to a new one you can get problems with map tab space for that map. Don't know more details.

And map conversion had some problems over the years so maybe ...
If you've set up a map series on Ancestor yourself, I don't think there's an easy way to switch that to Affliction before the next league starts. You can try email at, maybe they can fix it (for example, make your tab remove-only and give a new empty current series one).
I contacted GGG support and they fixed it just as seaman suggested. Thank you all!
I contacted support on 8/16 and they wouldn't help me with my standard map stash. So something must've changed since the beginning of the year.

What is not happening?
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