Season Two, Event 22: 135 Minute Solo

This is a Signature Event. The top three experience value records across all signature races for each class wins an alternate art Demigod's Triumph at season


Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.

For information about Race Season Two, please check out this announcement!

To see your points in the current season (and its prizes), go to this page.

Top Prizes:

The overall top player by experience will receive 3 Reward Points.

The top 20 players of each class by experience will receive:
  • #1 player of each class: Demigod's Triumph (Unique Golden Wreath) and 10 Reward Points
  • #2 player of each class: 6 Reward Points
  • #3 player of each class: 5 Reward Points
  • #4 player of each class: 4 Reward Points
  • #5 player of each class: 3 Reward Points
  • #6-10 player of each class: 2 Reward Points
  • #11-20 player of each class: 1 Reward Point

Prizes for reaching specific levels and staying alive:
  • Level 32: 10 Reward Points
  • Level 29-31: 7 Reward Points
  • Level 27-28: 6 Reward Points
  • Level 25-26: 5 Reward Points
  • Level 23-24: 4 Reward Points
  • Level 17-22: 3 Reward Points
  • Level 10-16: 1 Reward Point

Quest Prizes:
The first player to complete each of these quests wins the prize listed.

  • Normal difficulty Hillock (Twilight Strand): 2 Reward Points
  • Normal difficulty Medicine Chest (Tidal Island): 2 Reward Points
  • Normal difficulty Fairgraves (Ship Graveyard): 2 Reward Points
  • Normal difficulty Deep Dweller (Flooded Depths): 2 Reward Points
  • Cruel difficulty Hillock (Twilight Strand): 2 Reward Points
  • Cruel difficulty Medicine Chest (Tidal Island): 2 Reward Points
  • Cruel difficulty Fairgraves (Ship Graveyard): 2 Reward Points
  • Cruel difficulty Deep Dweller (Flooded Depths): 2 Reward Points

Full-clear Prizes:
The first player to kill all of the monsters in any of the following areas will receive:

  • Normal difficulty Fetid Pool: 2 Reward Points
  • Normal difficulty Old Fields Cave: 2 Reward Points
  • Normal difficulty Dread Thicket: 2 Reward Points
  • Normal difficulty Catacombs: 2 Reward Points
  • Cruel difficulty Fetid Pool: 2 Reward Points
  • Cruel difficulty Old Fields Cave: 2 Reward Points
  • Cruel difficulty Dread Thicket: 2 Reward Points
  • Cruel difficulty Catacombs: 2 Reward Points

Random Prizes:
Each Reward Point you earn in this race counts as a ticket in a random draw for one of the following items:

  • Alternate Art Karui Ward Unique Item (20 available to be won)
  • Alternate Art Shiversting Unique Item (5 available to be won)
  • Alternate Art Quill Rain Unique Item (2 available to be won)

Suggestion for the random prizes:

Instead of counting each reward point as a ticket (only making the rich richer), make each 10 character level count as one ticket, e.g. level 11 would get one ticket, level 36 would get 3 tickets. This way, people that do well get a slight advantage but not almost guaranteed like it is now. This would encourage people to join as getting reward points isn't required, they at least just have to get to level 10 to have a chance at the random prizes.

Edit: Also, maybe reduce the number of random prizes. You don't want to flood players with these, making them less special.
Last edited by Krothius#2716 on Apr 25, 2013, 9:01:43 PM
The first part actually isnt a bad suggestion. Seems to me though that there are very few prizes to go around already.
This guy doesnt have such a bad idea. I agree that uniques are flooding, they dont even same extremely rare anymore, its kinda sad.
I like the first suggestion, but for i don't see why they should give out fewer prizes. There are a lot of people in each race, so even if you do well its not that likely you will get one. If your casual like me, you will probably never get one... so please don't make it even less likely :)
IGN: FemmeFatality
Krothius wrote:
Suggestion for the random prizes:

Instead of counting each reward point as a ticket (only making the rich richer), make each 10 character level count as one ticket, e.g. level 11 would get one ticket, level 36 would get 3 tickets. This way, people that do well get a slight advantage but not almost guaranteed like it is now. This would encourage people to join as getting reward points are required, they at least just have to get to level 10 to have a chance at the random prizes.

Edit: Also, maybe reduce the number of random prizes. You don't want to flood players with these, making them less special.

First suggestion is spot on.

Agreed *nod*

It'd also be nice if the "all clear" areas were given to each player that did it instead of just the first.

dying to rubber banding is getting old. im not even gona start over just very upsetting.

3rd race this happens.

lost my level 66 in 1 week party race 3 days ago.
died as #2 shadow in 3 hour race with 25 minutes left.
and now die in upper submerged, all the same way.

about 20pts lost due to someone else is error is not my meaning of fun after so many hours put into it.
Last edited by papas88063#7799 on Apr 25, 2013, 7:16:15 PM
Died to massive desync in upper prison. Running from lit mages, have 1/2 a screen distance from them and no projectiles nearby, instantly dead. The desync previous to that was awful as well, with several near death experiences.

Still the biggest issue in the game!

Feedback: Keybind option for /oos, with no cooldown when not in a party.

GG all, cya next race.
IGN: KoTao
Worst luck ever with RNG, an hour in I was still not up to Mervail and pushed to hard to catch up and got my self killed yet again. So not my week, think I lost every race character I made including my 67 week char. =/

Anyway, best of luck to the once still in it.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27

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