D4 dev campfire chat after sweaty/hot season 1 start.

People where mad because it was a nerf patch and season content is on the light side (if we are positive).

Result of chat is TLDR:
- Barb and Sorc get new buffed aspects (Blizzard soon, 2-3 weeks? when everyone leaves/be done with league)
-One more stash tab. LOL. They even argued about this one. Tbh the stash tabs need too be doubled.
-Nightmare dungeons get "significantly" more monster density and get easier (diff 100 is now like diff 70)via hotfix today. Whatever significantly means in blizz terms.
-XP buff around lvl 70 threshold
-Respec costs reduced

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Jul 22, 2023, 6:01:05 AM
Last bumped on Jul 28, 2023, 2:23:15 PM
Lets say it wasn't very good I'm ma quote a reddit post here

''We literally have no idea what we're doing but you all paid 70$ so cy@'' while there chat was just massive L spam LMAO
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Not even joking if you want to feel how D4 is in a way play the FTP Diablo Immortal.

Has same open world aspects,fetch quests, world bosses,nightmare dungeons (grifts), and some guild activity stuff.

D4 is IMO D:I remastered.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Jul 21, 2023, 4:57:31 PM
Why even bring this up. So these d4 posts are weird.

It was weird before.

Don't know how to tell you all this, but Games fine.

Ask these posts in the forum or reddit are blown way out of proportion, for the most part. People just being dramatic.

Almost every single piece of criticism to d4 applies to ggg in spades.

Is this what being a poe patch enjoyer is like? Weird.

I don't get the hate boner for d4, or poe for that matter. I don't like the majority of patches, and the game feels flawed, but at least people enjoy it.
roundishcap wrote:
Why even bring this up. So these d4 posts are weird.

It was weird before.

Don't know how to tell you all this, but Games fine.

Ask these posts in the forum or reddit are blown way out of proportion, for the most part. People just being dramatic.

Almost every single piece of criticism to d4 applies to ggg in spades.

Is this what being a poe patch enjoyer is like? Weird.

I don't get the hate boner for d4, or poe for that matter. I don't like the majority of patches, and the game feels flawed, but at least people enjoy it.

Games not fine LMAO

L SPAM IN THE CHAT SIGN ME UP and massive memes all around LOGIN DUDE
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
For your mental health don't look at twitch chat during league content reveals. It's pretty bad.
Yeah, amen brother. Game is a hot mess atm. I am out after patch 1.1. Frankly I am astonished after more than 6000 hr of POE and a huge fan base that kept this game alive you would think the developers would take a look. I don't know, learn how to engage with the player base, make a fun game. GGG is not off the hook they are kings of bad designs but generally fixed the game, at least in the old days when I played. The clown show at Blizzard is beyond repair at this point. These clowns didn't realize the patch would cause the uproar that it did.

Totally clueless. Save your money and sanity and play something, anything, else.
Peak performance patch.... for Blizzard lmao
Content is sure overrated or held hostage till the juice full paid dlc. Cause only your money matters for Bliz

Even the PoE nerf patches are rather friendly compared to this shit and come with some new unique content during every league. Bliz could really take some inspiration of PoE, too bad they only min-max their profit rather than the gaming experience these days.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
hoho blizzard being scummy who knew.
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That was painful to watch. They really need to hire someone to help them with basic PR communication.

Like, if they came out saying 'we felt the game was too easy, so we did sweeping nerfs to bring the difficulty closer to how we imagine it should be, and we nerfed barb and sorc the hardest because they were the two most played classes in pre-season', and then continued to say they will revise their objectives and buff shit, it would have been a thousand times more palatable.

But not only they presented themselves as not having much of a direction of where they're going, but also fumbled the season by saying they'll buff mob density and shorten the lvl50+ leveling in two weeks, so now it feels weird to push levels when I know it will be significantly easier in two weeks.

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