D4 mtx has changed my mindset over MTXs

D4 is a paid game that has MTX/battle passes slapped on top.

the normal justification for buying mtxs is "oh its f2p, so i gotta support the devs".

with d4 being p2p, my wallet tightens.

but that said, all the base armour in D4 really looks polished. maybe the design might not be a persons liking but theres so much love and care for EVERY PIECE OF ARMOR in the game. sometimes i zoom in to see how pretty they are.

and thats just the base game. i dont really feel the need to buy their paid mtx.

the best armorsets in d4 currently are like what, 25/30 usd?

to be honest they dont look too good stylistically. but i can see the quality and detail.

it made me reconsider the whole part of mtxs.

if comparing POE mtx to D4, i would say D4's mtx's are much more worth it. pricewise its cheaper, and the quality/detail is amazing.

not too long ago LE released their first batch of mtx's. i like LE's gameplay but the game stylistically is not at a level that i would like it to be.

i could buy it to support the devs, but it would also go under scrutiny.

its like buying an overpriced t-shirt with a bland design to support a friend compared to buying a well designed t-shirt with high quality material thats similarly priced or even cheaper.

gameplay always triumphs graphics, when it comes to having fun and what you can do. LE allows players to do MANY things that D4 cant. but cosmetics wise, its hard to convince myself to get a cosmetic that doesnt look "good" enough. graphics matter a huge deal if you want to monetize it.

you can hate blizz/diablo as much as you want but their graphics really is next level. poe is close.
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Last bumped on Jun 6, 2023, 9:33:54 PM

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