Impale BV Champion vs Aul 1005 depth

Decided to try impale spells, went with BV Champ - turned out pretty good. BV + Call of Steel feels nice in delve.
Last bumped on Mar 31, 2023, 7:08:25 PM
I can't believe no one replied to this. Doing 1k+ Aul is insane these days. And you literally took 0 damage, which is even crazier to me.

Hey I saw your build on poeninja and was thinking about it for next league. I like to run big T16 maps with wandering path and did that last league with a BV inquisitor which was a lot of fun. I was able to transition to that build fairly smoothly (ie. before I got a mageblood) but this build reminds me of the times I tried to play spark aura stacking champion with "only" a mageblood and 100-200 divines. That didn't go well.

What did you league start and how/when did you transition to this? Anything expensive in the build that you might not notice at first glance? Also would love to know about crafting the staff, I enjoy making cool explodey weapons but it feels like the changes to synthesis on the atlas tree really dried up the supply of bases.

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