It's raining

boss called, why aren't you at work today?
i cant. its raining. i dont want to get wet.
cant you brave the rain and just get the job done?
yes, i could but i dont want to get sick.
ok fine. make sure you get the job done when it stops.

rain stops. i go out to deal with the issue. halfway through it starts raining again so i run off.

wait a while, this happens for a few times. i've dealt with the issue finally.

boss is now asking, why am i not back in office?
i cant right now. i need to get the documentation signed but its raining.

boss snapped at me.
why cant you go out in the rain?
besides me getting sick? i dont want my stuff damaged too. they're sensitive.

boss asked me, why cant i be like ryan? he can get the issue resolved even when it's raining.
i retort saying he gets to work from home. he doesnt even need to get under the rain.

true, i could have worked from home, but when i first signed up, the company gave me the impression that i could be on site, working from home, or just managing some subcontractors to help deal with the issues that we had to deal with.

i initially signed up with the company because i liked to be a hands on. during the interview i was assured that the company would love having me as an addition.

but i know, deep down i know, hands on approach is not really an efficient way of dealing with the issues i face.

in other companies, they actually provide some ways to deal with the rain, for example disposable raincoats or better equipment to deal with the rain rather than equipment that just is so fragile, that it can break at a moments notice.

there are ways to make my job work the way i want it. but not in this company.

i am still with this company for many years due to the friends and the work culture.

however, the company keeps giving huge incentives for team players who actually adapt and use their preferred strategies to deal with issues. i unfortunately fall out of that category as my work style is outdated. perhaps a mere recruitment tool to lure me in but now, i realize i was just there to help the company grow. it out grew me.

my boss is frustrated with me, the company and the management has done so much to incentivize and even given free workshops to help me improve my skill set. but still i am stubborn.

there are other employees similar to me with our stubborn ways, but apparently we are the small minority. other employees have already embraced the newer work culture and procedures.

when i see them, i cant help but feel envy. they're so successful and their work is so easy. it doesnt seem fair that they cant get that far without much thought and consideration. just following what the company tells you to do. follow the books, they've prepared 1001 guidelines but god forbid you do your own thing.

the company did pride itself for having creative problem solvers where ingenuity was rewarded. but now, it's different.

having grown much, and seeing the capability of it's employees, the company set out to achieve more. they found new projects which only the most capable employee could tackle. its a good step, further rewarding capable and competent employees.

but i m not gonna lie, i do feel a lot of jealousy. as of late more of the newer projects taken are of similar ilk. finding a lead and having to pass it off to someone else is really not a nice feeling, but i know i would have messed it up and wasted the lead had i attempted the project myself.

so here i am in a hell of my own making. it is my own fault that i am not adapting. can i expect the company to give free handouts? i shouldn't expect to be rewarded for working the way the company finds outdated. any assistance sent towards people like me would be seen as a welfare at this point. i guess as long as i work there, we're mutually choosing to look the other way to each other's faults.

is it my fault for choosing this company? is it my fault that i enjoy an outdated way to work?

i have taken long periods of vacation from work. i tried many different sidelines, but theres always something that drew me back to work.

the company is going to improve their new standards soon. maybe in a year or two. its always another year or two, but at the very least they've made it official somewhat. more equality between workers. more inclusivity. promises.

many of my colleagues, have taken leave too. some outright quitting. i guess, i ll be working as long as i have the passion. it's on it's last legs.

i ll be returning to work again in a few hours.

in case you missed it, i m actually talking about the disparity of melee strikers in POE.

have a nice day exile.
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Last bumped on May 3, 2023, 12:36:28 AM
Probably wouldn't get any upvotes on r/jokes, NGL.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

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Oh Ryan, oh Ryan!! LuL I thought you were working at Grinding Gears then I was like oh he's playing PoE. Great job :D
where i live, theres too much rain.

makes me sad

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