0.10.6 Patch Notes

Version 0.10.6
  • Added a new Strength/Intelligence skill - Searing Bond: Summons a totem that casts a beam of fire at you and each other totem you control, dealing burning damage to enemies caught in the beam. Enemies near either end of a beam also suffer burning damage.
  • Searing Bond is available as a quest reward from the "Lost in Love" quest in Normal difficulty for the Witch, Templar and Marauder. Shadows and Duelists can get it from the "Enemy at the Gate" quest in Cruel difficulty.
  • Added four new cosmetic Microtransactions: Green Searing Bond, Antlers, Twisted Horns and Demon King Horns.
  • Added four new Unique items, two of which were designed by our Diamond supporters. One of them is a Unique Map.
  • The environment of the Terraces has been changed so that it's more consistent with early Act One.
  • Updated the elemental impact sound effects.
  • The Lightning Thorns skill, as cast by the Blackguard Mages, now does lightning damage to ranged as well as melee attackers. It does less damage than before. The casters have to be closer to use it and have a reduced chance to cast it.
  • Use of the terms "burning" and "ignite" was standardised in the text for stats, skills, buffs and passives.

This one is a small patch because it's our fourth one this week. Due to the new skill and uniques it is designated as 0.10.6. Most of the bug fixes that would normally go in a major patch like this were either deployed earlier this week or pushed into next week's 0.10.7 patch so that this one could be deployed before the weekend.

As usual, thanks for your feedback and support.
Lead Developer. Follow us on: Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Contact Support if you need help!
Last edited by Chris#0000 on Apr 12, 2013, 8:29:49 AM
Please avoid using this thread for questions about when/how we're going to fix other issues not covered by this patch. We will be posting the "Development Manifesto" very soon (tomorrow?) with lots of information about our plans.

By the way, here's a video of Searing Bond (green version)
Lead Developer. Follow us on: Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Contact Support if you need help!
Last edited by Chris#0000 on Apr 11, 2013, 3:00:16 AM
Great mages nerf.

Last edited by ThePassenger#0285 on Apr 11, 2013, 3:10:27 AM
Chris wrote:
Version 0.10.6
  • Use of the terms "burning" and "ignite" was standardised in the text for stats, skills, buffs and passives.

This is good to hear, it was a bit muddled in the past!

Also good choice on when shadows get the new ability, have one immediately before that quest ;-)
Thanks Chris, keep up the awesome work!
Good stuff Christ and Team, can't wait to see what the new skill bring :)
Development Manifesto? I just love how transparent you guys are. keep up the good work, cheers ^^
Thanks Chris; good luck deploying the new patch. Can't wait to see the new content. Keep up the great work.
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Play with honour and show some class - www.theAmazonBasin.com
Really excited to try out Searing Bond. Thanks for the latest update- you guys are the best! Keep up the awesome work!
Speaking of standardization, why does this new totem skill not have the word "totem" in it when all others do?

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