Trading Service - I can find what you are looking for


I am sure I am not the only one, but I kinda stop really playing the game, and I just trade all day long :) Since, I have been doing that for a while now, I came across many people that are able to help me locate items for sales - quite fast. So for a while I have been helping people get 5L - 6L + unique items for the price they are looking for (reasonable prices) and all I ask in return is a tip of whatever you like.

If I can help you find an Item you are looking for, just please message me in game.

My IGN: thetradingservice

The minimum value of the item has to be at least 5 Gemcutter Prisms.
If u can find me a Taryns Shiver 6L for around 30-35 exalt, and if the trade happens, Ill give you 1.

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