Specs vs performance?

Okay, this isn't a place to brag or rag on computer builds, but I'm curious as to how your setups perform(be honest) in gameplay.

I have not been able to get anywhere near the claimed performance of some of the game-chat denizens of poe.

Below please post what your hideout fps and some dense delirious content is at max everything(or state differences and reductions) alongside your display resolution.
Followed by your specs. Asking online had yielded little result, as they lead me to believe a 2060 should run this game perfectly fine at 100fps+ in the densest of content
Last edited by RossDaBoss21#3073 on Feb 1, 2022, 5:51:37 PM
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2022, 5:04:14 PM
I sit slightly above 100fps in shaped hideout with some auras, at 3440x1440 (uw aspect)
It dips to below 60 in intense situations without actually using all of my resources.

Recently upgraded to 11700k(hardly showing above50% utilization)
MSI VENTUS 3x 3090(also showing low utilization at all times.
32gb 3600 ram
Fastest ssd possible and 30 average ms here in texas.
Last edited by RossDaBoss21#3073 on Feb 1, 2022, 5:56:22 PM
My performance is

*checks bottom of screen*

"Graphics driver stopped responding and has recovered"

Every time I open atlas and then open inventory, or ctrl-G and open inventory.

So yeah, probably my card dying and along with the haunting moan of a dying CPU fan and rattle of a 12 year old HDD, this is where I sit back and let y'all regale me with tales of 3 digit fps in sim city with 4 kosis (koses? kosises?) at large.

Parts are ordered, but are trickling in very slowly due to supply chain "issues"

Enjoy the league while you can, lads & lasses. You never know when the next map might be your last!
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Recently upgraded from @3.40 to @4.90 CPU. Day and night difference
Last edited by diabolikPL#7944 on Feb 12, 2022, 10:57:51 AM
RX 6800, 5900x and ram @3600. Playing at 1440p. I set my display at 120hz and I'm comfortably maintaining 120 fps in poe in most cases. Dynamic culling kicks in during some heavy particle storm for slightly worse visuals. I always tune down shadows-related graphics options in games. Other details set to High in poe.
Last edited by AlvinL_#4492 on Feb 12, 2022, 1:27:58 PM
NVidia GTX 1050Ti, AMD R5-3500, 16GB DDR4 RAM, SATA-3 SSD, playing at 1080p (2k) I limit my framerate to 60fps in all games (that don't suffer from glitches related to framerate) & have NO issues whatsoever running whatever I throw at it.

Could run not minimum graphics settings in POE if I cared to.

Windows 10, only because 11 is an unoptimized & the slowest OS even after fixes for AMD CPUs were released. DX11 for the same reason: Vulkan runs too slow.
Last edited by bvanharjr#5617 on Feb 12, 2022, 10:02:46 PM
I got a 1050TI and 4570, I play at 30FPS 1080p. It still gets messy in dense stuff though. The GPU never comes near maxing out, I sit around 90% CPU if I run a 40% pack size Delirium mirror though, mildly juiced.
Currently using a Dell notebook with a i7-10750H processor. Can mantain 60 frames at all times(but the thing sometimes heats to the point the bios shuts it down, yeah the cooling on the G series of Dell notebooks are just not up to the task on heavy processor usage, but otherwise, its mostly fine if i play with a fan pointed at my rig, even at max settings

Not long ago, i played on a rig with i5-8300H with Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050. It was laggy and sometimes the game would become almost unplayable

From personal experience, PoE just dont run well on notebooks, you need a rig FAR above the recommended specs to have a playable game, and messing around the game settings rarely helps(or have any impact at all). Back when i had a notebook close to the minimun specs, the game often lagged even on my mostly empty h/o(and would crash or take minutes to load if i visited someone with a fancy h/o for a trade, i had to ask them to come to me instead and if they were using stacked microtransactions their presence would cause a lag spike when they popped and a frame drop while they were on the same instance even if they were not on-screen)

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