How does this work:
Call of Steel will instantly remove all impale on an Enemy and deal all damage been stored.
For example, if we take implaer and use Champion +2 last hit. This means our Call of steel Damage will be: CoS Dmg = One Hit Dmg x ImpaleStored(17.7%) x 5 ImpaleStack x 7 LastHit
So, if we scale really hard with the One Hit Dmg, you could one shot majority of the boss even conqueror or Sirus.
Remember: for big boss because of Implaer, you only use this combo once per 4 sec. But for map clear we dont need to wait for 4 sec to kill packs.
So, these are the thing we need to scale our one hit Dmg:
1. Seismic Crylast hit
2. Intimidating cry
3. Poacher mark
4. Phase Run
5. Close RangeGround Slam
6. Use Call of Steel
Update POB and leveling
Unique Gear:
About Unique Body Armor:
- Crab armor (Immune to Bleed, High Armor, Fire/Lightening Resis)
- Loreweaver (78% resis, fix attribute, flat phy so more dmg)
Other Rare:
1. Cap your resistance
2. Flat phy to attack
3. High life
3. Chaos resis
Gem Link:
If you chaos resis is not enough, dont use Forbidden Taste
Pantheon: Choose what you like Bandit: Kill all Anointment: Measured Fury
You should use 2-handed first before you go for unarmed
Mana Issue
get 2 "-9 mana cost" on ring thus you dont need mana leech.
Before that you can get one on ring
Why Facebreaker
Facebreaker are pretty easy to scale and attack faster, you just need tons of flat phy and it can deal tons of dmg. Also new Poacher Mark give us flat phy as well
Why Non-Crit
If you build around crit, that require you tons of investment. I do have staff crit version and I think if it crit you can one shot sirus. But in general we lost a lot of defense.
And we only doing this combo once per 4 sec, so if it doesnt crit, is pretty meh.
How do we calculate CoS one hit
1: Hit Damage without Warcry
you select all your buff and check your Base Damage with all the modifier.
As you can see from above, POB will list all the modifire for us, so you need to remove double dmg, fist of war and exerted attack by ourself from More/Less because that also calculated the uptime.
So:Total Damage x all modifier except those 3
2: Warcry multifier
From here, we could just use all your Max 1-Hit impact that POB add for you.
So x 2.47 x 2 x 2.5
3: Impale Calculation
Remember the Call of Steel dmg formula : CoS dmg = Hit Dmg x ImpaleStore% x PhysicalReduction x 5(Stack) x LastHit(7/9 with jewel) x 1.5(CoS jewel)
Last edited by ahunterkee#2442 on Dec 8, 2020, 12:18:17 AM