~Need help with Bleed Earthquake Gladiator build~


I am following the guide:

but the page isn't letting me log in to post on the forum there. Something is wrong. The build was last updated March 11th, 2020; so i'm guessing this is still an OK build.

I'm level 33 in Delirium league and have some general knowledge questions you might be able to help me with. First, does Steelskin work with CWDT and increased duration like immortal call used to be used?

Second, I learned to use ball lightning level 4 with curse on hit and CWDT to apply a curse from a previous guide I used to follow; but with this being a bleed quake build/ What would be the best curse to use? I wouldn't mind the best defensive one because that's what I'm trying to focus on right now. So best offensive and defensive option too?

Thanks a lot, i'm used to playing Marauders and C.I. heroes =/ This is my first time ever playing a Duelist.
Last bumped on Apr 12, 2020, 4:03:57 AM

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