[3.10] Cyclone HH juicer - 173 curse effect / max HH duration - expensive but effective mapper
First of all as said in the title: this build is expensive. This is not a build that you go for if you have 10 chaos left over and want to try cyclone. There's other builds out there for that. Absolute bare minimum
requirements is a headhunter and currently as I'm writing, that's ~140ex. There's many other things that's expensive but this is the bulk of it, and you will not have a good time without it and many other expensive items that makes the build work. That said I will try list both budget and expensive versions of things where there's some wiggle room. With that said please do not hesitate to come up with improvements or correct me if I'm wrong with anything. This build is built upon many other ones before it which I do not claim as my own and by much better build makers and/or players than me. Videos:
None yet. Go watch any CuteDog_ streams and you'll pretty much do similar.
About this build:
+ Clear and farm maps fast
+ Great 5 way build + Right click to win + Cyclone is <3 + Get tons of currency - Can't run maps without beyond - Some maps are just out of the question. Bosses with long phases like reef is baaarely doable. Do not recommend. - Spammy gameplay, have a good graphic card and computer. - Limited map mods you can run. I will list them later. - A gogogogo playstyle so any time spent standing still for any reason will make the build worse. Basically every atlas mission will make you not have a good time. You need a uber strict lootfilter, I recommend making one yourself. - Very limited options when gearing. It might seems like many negatives, and sure there are many, but you will be greatly rewarded if you do this build properly.
You cyclone in to the mobs. Herald of thunder will hit something, and when socketed in your gloves together with a curse, that curse will hit you instead. That curse is temporal chains which makes your buffs take longer time to run out. The entire point of this build is to max out the duration of buffs which you get from killing rares with a headhunter.
Good information before you even start leveling your slayer:
Do not league start with this build:
This is not a league starter what so ever. Do not run this as your first character. Do not even level a slayer with the intention of going this build after you gained enough currency (with only one char). You're not going to kill sirus with this. This is purely a map farmer build and if you want to maximize currency gains you need to have a bosskiller at the very least or a general purpose char that can at the least do conquerors with and you can find sirus carries or have a good friend do it.
I STRONGLY recommend having your own lootfilter. If you've ever put off learning how to finetune one on filterblade.xyz this is the time to learn it. You do not want to loot unneccessary crap. I will leave it up to you to figure it out but you shouldn't loot very much. Many times you will end up with more 6 sockets than your inventory can hold and if you run around picking up random ilvl 80 helmets you're not going to enjoy playing it. Uber Plus Strict is probably a good starting point.
No guide. At the very least you need level 68 to even equip some of the items. I recommend general cyclone leveling to 70, then about ~20 breachstones to get to about ~80, then you could probably get something going.
Hollow Palm technique is a another great way to level if you want. Passives and ascendancy:
Passive tree:
Check the PoB for passive tree
Headsman / Bane of Legends / Impact / Overwhelm
Order you get them in is pretty much irrelevant. You will have them all when you get going with the build.
Pick the one you like, they are not set in stone. I personally go with Soulf of Lunaris and Soul of Shakari
Kill all. Res and crit multi is good but with the new clusters soaking up many points you really need the passives. With high enough level you might want to change it.
Scaeva + Prismatic Eclipse
All though this build is aimed to people with a lot of currency, starting of with these weapons as soon as you can equip them and then later equip better options is not a bad idea.
Dual Jewelled Foils. Aim for high phys dmg. Look in PoB if you're unsure.
Mainhand: Best Jewelled Foil you can get your hands on. Spend a mirror if you're rich, but it's not needed. I levled to 100 in previous leagues with budget foils. After you've gained some stacks and are not as vulnerable, weapon swap to Sinvictas Mettle and get that sweet rampage.
Rare with 30% temporal chain curse effect enchant. It is possible to go a unique here like Devotos if you like the movement speed, but it's not needed. I much prefer the +1 to aoe craft instead.
In 3.10 GGG changed fossil crafting. Now you need a ilvl 85 elder helmet to get the mod "Nearby enemies take 9% increase physical damage" which is much more expensive than any old rare helmet if you want the lab enchant on it. I crafted this myself but it has no resistances, it will do for now but I will most likely recraft later.
Solstice Vigil. No choice.
Annoint Whispers of Doom if you have two curses (gloves+ring) or pick any other you need. I've run with Depth Perception when I needed dex and accuracy, I've run with +30 int when that was needed, it all depends on your other slots. Choose your favorite.
Shackles of the Wretched
Shackles of the Wretched with vulnerability on hit
Double corrupted headhunter. Pick your favorite corruptions
Kaoms Roots
Kaoms Roots with movement speed enchant.
Kaoms roots with movement speed enchant and double corrupt
Two rares with enough resistance to cover your bases
Depending on other slots you might need to get at least 30 int here.
Curse assa mark on hit. Make sure you have whispers of doom annointed if you have also vuln on hit on gloves.
Explody chest with -15 to socketed gems.
I use ample on quicksilver becuase I'm a pepega when I do piano flasks, I click 123 then move my hand to click 345 after. Pick what you prefer. The bismuth flask is optional. I like to run it so I'm able to run ele weakness maps. You can pick many other options here though. We run beyond and they sometimes can put nasty burns on you so I like to use heat removal. Bottled faith if you're rich is a viable option. If you have bleed immunity on a jewel you can forgo of staunching on life flask and add other flask. It's extremely important you do NOT have a flask that removes curses. You WANT to be cursed with temporal chains, or the build fails.
You need two kinds:
- One with Onslaught and Unholy might on kill. - One that gives you "You cannot be hindered" - One Inspired Learning The other ones are what you need for your build, generally int/dex/res/life.
Here's the juicy part! In 3.10 they GGG nerfed temporal chains and solstice vigil. I do not know the exact math but what I do know is that you need 175% curse effect to get max duration of your headhunter buffs. This is not an easy task to accomplish but here's how how I did it, with the new cluster jewels!
You need two large cluster jewels with two sockets: Notice the low amount of passives they require, I plan to have both on 8. I picked these specifically because of the extra elemental resistances, we are low on it running many uniques. Combat rhythm is a nice movement speed touch but generally not needed. You can run any passives you want here, I'm sure you can find much better ones than I have. (Looking at you Deep Cuts) In the four sockets: I've spent many alterations rolling these. It was not easy, nor cheap nor fun. I think I ended up with really great ones though. Dark Discourse is of course the biggest one here with 10% effect, while the small ones have only 6%. One is victim maker for just that extra duration on temporal chains, great for looting or other times you're standing still like picking organs at Tane. I totally lucked out on two of them having int which is another thing we're low on. In total these net you 133% curse effect. Together with helm enchant and 10% on curse on hit, you get 173%! Last small one: Same deal, resistances and int. No witness is a great passive that gives you elusive which is movement speed. Great option. Gems:
Important to notice: YOU NEED to follow which gems are socketed in helmet and gloves. If you do not place them in the correct slot you're not going to have a good time. The entire build literally doesn't work if you do not have curse on hit with temporal chains setup in your gloves.
Herald of Ash / Blood and sand / Herald of Purity / Dread banner
or Hatred / Dread Banner / Blood and Sand / Enlighten (3/4) Pick which ever setup you feel like. They are both viable. Any auras here can be picked, it's not set in stone. Pride is another option to consider instead of Hatred.
Herald of Thunder / Curse on hit (20%) / Temporal Chains + Precision
It's extremely important you follow this setup. Build will FAIL if not followed correctly. Level HoT, CoH and TC to the level your int allows you to, or just leave at 1, doesn't matter much. Make sure you get 20% on your curse on hit (or 23%) for 10/11% curse effect. You can use an Awakened Curse on Hit here which allows you to run hexproof maps. Level precision to what ever your mana allows but leave some room for leap slam. It will vary depending on your setup in helmet and your level of enlighten. If you're unsure here you can just leave it at level 1.
One weapon:
Cast when damage taken (1), Immortal Call (3), Increase Duration (20) The other: Leap Slam, Faster attacks, any vaal skill you enjoy You have some options here depending on what you like. Vaal double strike, vaal haste, vaal ancestrall call, vaal grace, what ever floats your boat. I personally like vaal double strike together with HoP and the saviour for maximum boy army.
Cyclone + any supports you think are good for your build.
I personally run these: Infused channeling, Fortify, Rage, Pulverise, Melee Phys If you're rich you can obviously go with Awakened Melee Phys. You can change this setup around if you are inclined to. Place fortify in your leap slam, then get something else. Remove infused channeling and socket awakened inc aoe. I do not recommend removing pulverise, you'll lose out on some great AoE. There's a passive in cluster jewels that gives you rage, so it's possible to remove that slot and socket in something else too if you have one of those. Use PoB if you're unsure. Impale is a great option to consider. Maps info and rolling:
Avoid at all cost:
Elemental Reflect Hexproof (Unless you got awakened curse on hit) Mods you should be extra careful of and I do not recommend to run: Any curse (ele weakness, vuln, enfeeble) You don't explicitly need to add beyond to your maps, but it's STRONGLY recommended, the entire build functions from stealing headhunter buffs, and you'll get many if you do add beyond. Make sure you run good layouts. Burial Chambers, Promenade, Lair, are some of my favorites this league! Make sure you always add four sextants for extra mob density and make your maps even juicier. Do not be afraid to add other stuff like legion scarab or breaches. It's pretty much impossible to lose currency on these. Enjoy! Last edited by Lejvingdude#1299 on Apr 6, 2020, 1:32:12 PM Last bumped on Jun 8, 2020, 5:26:09 PM
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How squishy is this build before the HH buffs start coming in? I built an Iceshot Deadeye from poe.ninja but getting started in a map was always a pain because the build had zero defenses. Just looking for a comfortable quick mapper now that Herald is slowed down to reasonable levels.
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" I mean I'm not going to lie, hovering around 3.5k hp is not super tanky. With good enough front damage (without stacks that is) and the explody chest, I personally don't have any trouble though just jumping straight into packs in the start and start snowballing. Oh I'm also rescapped, and I now run a bismuth flask for ele weakness maps, that's np either. I've tried deadeye HHs in the past and I never liked them, one of the reason is what you described here, just no defences what so ever. With the nerfs to TC and Solstice we can't spend as much point on other goodies, but I say we're good enough to get the ball rolling. One of the goals for me continuing this build is building defenses. I might even take a look at shields, but that's way in the future. I had a crazy random thought of a shield+riposte for the early buff sniping. Additional small clusters together with better rolled medium/large clusters with some Fettle (10% life +20 life) action is something not far out of reach either. Hope that answers your question! |
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I'll definitely give it a try, my budget for Rings, Jewels and Weapons is around 1 Mirror (Have a Helmet and Chest I'm happy with) so I figure I should be able to get something like 4k life and a decent amount of DPS, at the very least this looks like a build that can be minmaxed a whole lot.
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how important is it to have explody chest?
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" It's not going to break the build if you do not have it. Though you probably really do want it because it's a very nice QoL feature. If you can forgo this QoL though you can add in a lot of other cool chests, it doesn't matter too much. I wouldn't recommend it though. In other news I've messed around with a 2hander and so far I really like it. There's cluster jewels that gives you inc AoE with 2hands so you cna get pretty big cyclone, which is very nice. Needs more testing before I make an update on it. |
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" cant wait to see the update playing this build right now and it feels amazing thanks! |
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Ok so here's are the changes I made:
First of all the weapon: It's likely you can craft way better than this. I wasn't willing to initially start spending a ton of currency just for the sake of testing. This will do fine. Reason we do not go Starforge is the small detail of it: you're not able to deal any non-phys dmg. So that means no temp chains and the build is dead. Luckily Voidforge is not a bad weapon at all, a forgotten gem in the unique pit. With that in mind we're now dealing elemental damage, and only elemental damage. This comes with other problems. Luckily I got solutions! First of all fortify is gone for elemental damage with attacks support. "f"s in the chat for fortify. The helmet with 9% phys taken is rendered useless. I just chaos orbed this one on a bad ilvl base, eventually you'll go -9 to cold res later on but this will do for now. Here's the new clusters with the AoE in mind: In total 46% extra. Impale is not in this version, so that gives you more passive points in the tree. This is the new tree: Link Together with Winter Spirit+node leading up to it and this watchers eye: You get ~80% convert, it's good enough for now, and I'm not sure it's possible to get more in any meaningful way. Not great, not terrible. Vuln on hit on gloves is now useless and are forced to spend our hard earned exalts on elemental weakenss on hit on the shackles, but it's not a huge biggie. The results of all this trouble: Huge cyclone together with huge dps. The +100 life on the weapon is not bad either. I don't have the build together becuase I'm messing around with some poet pens shenanigans on different char so I don't have a working pob nor an image of the cyclone. The AoE on it should be about ~37 or so. Not legion levels but it's still pretty big! I'm not a big RP guy nor do I care a ton about mtx or so, but on a personal level I think cyclone/whirlwind/whateveryoucallit should wield a big ass sword, which we now do. Awesome! Last edited by Lejvingdude#1299 on Apr 15, 2020, 6:33:18 PM
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I put the build together.
I think that's pretty decent AoE size! |
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