Wolcen humiliated Path of Exile
- the game that nobody knew anything about, except that it was called "umbra", got 62k online users during release, which is like half of league start population of path of exile. considering wolcen is b2p game, we can see how hungry people are for a good arpg.
- graphics make poe 2 look like outdated trash, not talking about the current version. - combat has better animations, much better sounds, better flow, not only bosses but monsters actually have interesting attacks that require player to use dodge roll etc. no flask piano shit, no one-shotting shit. you can use gun+spells etc so implementation of hybrid builds is actually the best ever. - you can select the gender of your character (can you believe it??? sounds crazy!), hairstyle etc., and have wide transmogrifications/dye options. - release version has less bugs than usual new league release of path of exile. lol. arpg players got an actual GAME, not a lawn mower simulator + casino + trading simulator and "one new microtransaction per day" shit. wolcen team is small, less expirienced, but they did a good job. i wonder whats next. i suppose they will implement seasons. Last edited by angelobiancofaithpride#1062 on Feb 14, 2020, 2:55:24 AM Last bumped on Feb 17, 2020, 11:04:41 AM
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Have you even played the game? I can 100% guarantee you those viewer numbers are going to plummet. Lets not even forget they purchased streamers, which is fine.
But with how bad the bugs are in the game, its not gonna be anywhere near that high next week, or even later into this week. I mean I think Quinn got reset like 2 or 3 times. Legit character reset back to act 1. Also, I've played PoE off and on since 2011. And while I no longer like the game, I can honestly say I have never experienced bugs in PoE like I have in Wolcen, and this is even at the earliest closed beta time. Entire character progress is being reset to act 1. Game breaking bugs where you cannot even finish the game and get stuck. Stashes disappearing. Lets not even talk about the small bugs like untargetable enemies, crashes, and various other things. I may not play PoE or D3 much anymore, but neither of those games has the issues Wolcen has right now. Ever. They might have had server issues here and there, but never game breaking bugs like what is going on in Wolcen. Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Feb 14, 2020, 3:05:14 AM
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Lets be honest. Wolcen is hot trash. The only 2 things this game has going on for it are the graphics (which most players don't put on the top of their list when choosing an aRPG) and the fact that its new. Nothing else. People have been playing PoE for 7+ years, it is normal that most of them will want something fresh. And that is not new.
Resetting progress, disappearing of stashes, close to untargetable enemies, the price increase, releasing the game 30 minutes earlier, all the lies in alpha/beta, bugs that were there in beta for months still exist etc. Game is plagued with issues and the developers are lucky that people spent 5+ hours last night in the menus and now are not eligible for a refund. Literal cash-grab. I wonder if they are even going to fix all the issues. Oh, the game also got cracked the day it released - that should tell you something (not sure what tho). Edit: Also, how are they getting away with blatantly stealing some skill icons directly from PoE? Shield charge and cyclone for example. Last edited by YourFather#5205 on Feb 14, 2020, 3:22:23 AM
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Ah yes. Another Wolcen thread, as if there weren't enough of those already...
But I guess everyone wants to get on top of their own soapbox, rather than joining someone else's (even if the topics are the same), so we've even more of these to look forward to. Yay... |
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" probably that game is technically half-f2p Spreading salt since 2006
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" At least it is still new and hot. Not like getting the scammed threads or the silent map drop nerf ones. |
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" Btw, just fyi, you do know that PoE was literally started in Chris' garage, right? And Chris didn't come from a game development background. They didn't even have a studio for a long time, and had less than a dozen people working on it to begin with. Wolcen already has more than PoE did, even if comparing instead to PoE's initial release. Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Feb 14, 2020, 3:40:03 AM
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" The fact they havent updated their twitter in like 9 hours now, speaks for itself. I seriously doubt these issues are gonna be resolved in a timely manner, if ever. And yep, the popularity is 100% because people wanted an ONLINE Arpg that was new. Stuff like Grim Dawn and whatnot have released since PoE/D3, but those are offline and just not the same, as evidenced by how shoddy a release Wolcen has, and as popular as it is anyways. The more I play the game, because I did pay for it and cant refund it at this point, the more I think this game is gonna be dead in the water. I'm starting to think I'd rather spent 30 bucks on some league skins for my favorite champion than this mess. Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Feb 14, 2020, 4:05:02 AM
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It is like a 1:1 carbon copy of D3.
Similar looking graphics (and boring items) but animations look slightly more stiff/clunky. Boss fights are basically prolonged and scripted talking heads like D3. And not forget the biggest deal breaker if you like a certain style: weeb mode (Transform to a Godzilla for some time). Masterpiece of 3.16 lore "A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Feb 14, 2020, 4:14:18 AM
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op didnt play the play, hes talking shit
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