MAGIC FIND (Quantity / Rarity). What you need to know

Thanks Mark for clarifying how Magic find works in this thread here:

It got me thinking, and we need to discuss it. ARPG's are all about farming endgame, and the support gems offer the LARGEST increase in Rarity / Quantity percentage, so this matters.

What is important to know:

Quantity or Rarity support gems NEVER work when the damage is dealt in some type of DOT or external source.

What skills are affected:

Here's a list that will NOT award support skills Rarity or Quantity percentage on mob death:

Burning Arrow Dot
Poison Arrow Dot
Viper Strike DOT
Puncture DOT
Zombies / Skeletons explosions
Infernal Blow Burning
Chance to Ignite burning damage.
Culling Strike (Mark already stated this will be fixed to work in the future, I believe it NOW works but I'm not 100% certain)

There may be exceptions or changes in the future, but these are the ones known for certain right now.

So any Damage over time won't affect the drop rate / rarity your support gems offer.

What stands out:

My immediate thought is most skills mentioned are RANGER SKILLS. Rangers are gimped bigtime in this regard. Right now, there's almost no reason to make a Ranger for farming purposes. And realistically, farming for better items is what you do in ARPG's.

How this affects me and you:

I won't be using any of these type of skills in the future, and people who know about this likely won't either.

What is the fix?

Change the support gems to work on ANY killing blows, be it by dots, zombies, or delayed explosions. I see no reason why it shouldn't be this way.

Other Thoughts:

Offer your insight and input on this. It could be the most imbalanced mechanic in the game as it affects everyone's skill choice, farming enjoyment, and game economy.


Q: Does Quantity / Rarity mods found on equipment work on DOTS?

A: Yes, all Quantity / Rarity mods on equipment work with DOT damage.

I'm the Ps guy: Psomm, Pso, Psong, pso-on and pso-phorth.
Last edited by Psomm#5110 on Aug 9, 2012, 3:01:37 PM
This is good information. However I can't offer any insightful feedback right now.
I wonder if "Culling Strike" is affected.

Mainly because if you go for high magicfind you´ll try to go for last-hit-gems too.
"Right now, there's almost no reason to make a Ranger for farming purposes."

You lost me here.
This seems extremely strange, any rarity/quantity gem should obviously work with anything.

In my opinion this really needs to be changed asap.
There are actually lots of support gems that look like they MAY work with a given skill, but are in actuality incompatible.

The game needs some way of telling you "No, don't do that. It won't work." in regards to skill/support gem combos. It may be as simple as not letting you add a support gem to a linked skill if they are incompatible.

That being said, yeah, MF should work for any killing blow regardless of what actually takes the final hitpoint, so long as the initial source of the damage included the mods. I can see why it's not this way currently, though. DOT is probably seen as a completely separate source of damage by the game. It'd take an extra step to associate that DOT with an initial source. GGG will probably get there eventually.
I disagree with your contention that Rangers are inviable for farming purposes. Non-bow ranger builds are not unheard of, so MF supports could potentially be utilized effectively in those builds.

However, I agree that MF supports should levy their benefit on DOTs as well.
It could be changed but you are losing out on the MF from a gem so that bit of MF won't break the system or stop someone from making that class. You have MF elsewhere on gear.
R A N D O M___IS___R A N D O M
*answered my own question
Last edited by Djohm23#5048 on Apr 11, 2012, 3:58:47 PM
Just make them regular skill gems instead of support gems... problem solved

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