Favorite Star Trek Recurring Characters?

I just finished House of Quark earlier today and I didn't think there was a Star Trek episode I'd enjoy at that level ever, let alone it being out of DS9.

It got me thinking about recurring characters, and since the Picard vs Kirk actually got some responses I figured I'd ask what you guys think of as some of your favorite recurring characters?

Garak from DS9 and Guinan from TNG are definitely two of my favorites.

Garak, the mysterious Cardassian tailor who clearly knows far more than he lets on and Guinan the "other" ship's counselor/bartender wise enough to provide perspective as needed even for someone like Picard.

And I probably shouldn't forget Martok given his video game presence.

I guess the thought all started with Grilka, it's too bad she didn't get featured more.
Yep, totally over league play.
Last bumped on Oct 19, 2019, 7:03:57 AM
SeCKSEgai wrote:
I just finished House of Quark earlier today and I didn't think there was a Star Trek episode I'd enjoy at that level ever, let alone it being out of DS9.

It got me thinking about recurring characters, and since the Picard vs Kirk actually got some responses I figured I'd ask what you guys think of as some of your favorite recurring characters?

Garak from DS9 and Guinan from TNG are definitely two of my favorites.

Garak, the mysterious Cardassian tailor who clearly knows far more than he lets on and Guinan the "other" ship's counselor/bartender wise enough to provide perspective as needed even for someone like Picard.

And I probably shouldn't forget Martok given his video game presence.

I guess the thought all started with Grilka, it's too bad she didn't get featured more.

Uhhh, I think she was only in like 2-3 episodes--but the chick played by Ashley Judd that Wesley had the hots for. I was really disappointed that she never came back more than that.

I was a teen at that time, what can I say? :P
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
Most of the recurring only had like 2 or 3 so they're all fairplay.

And Ashley Judd is Ashley Judd - so I can completely understand that. I haven't started streaming TNG yet so I'm sure I'll start remembering stuff from years ago. The only episodes I still remember are farpoint station (first ep), Q related episodes, and borg related episodes.

She looked so young then oy...
Yep, totally over league play.

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