Wild Strike Slayer - Combat Focus(Fire) Fine Tuning
I'm looking for help fine tuning my wild strike build for 3.7.
The build can be imported from here: Original Two handed Build
Tweaked another draft for a dual wielding instead of two handed using Razor of the sun. In theory the build could proc a lot of ignites giving massive life gain on top of leech
The basic stat break down is: 200-250k single target shaper DPS 360k (120k x 3 explosions) AOE dps 105% area of effect (120ish in sand stance) 6k life 33-66% evade chance depending on blind 6k armour 2700 life leech ***************************************** Skills: -Wild Strike -Static strike as a utility skill that does cast on crit Wave of Conviction + fortify. Maintains permanent 25% fire exposure while needing to be weaved in every 10 seconds or so. -Flame thrower trap + combustion as another utility skill that gives another - 19 fire res and large aoe coverage. Combined with static strike it provides a mini elemental equilibrium without spending all the points to get it. -Steelskin + dash -Precision - Anger - Blood and Sand (Blood stance since there's so much AOE already) - Assassin's mark from Oskarm gloves. **************************** Items: Doomsower - Newly buffed doomsower provides a fairly budget option compared to a much more costly exquisite blade craft. It provides everything wild strike wants in physical damage, more fire damage, and increased area of effect. Oskarm gloves - Combined with the slayer's passive these gloves make accuracy itemization non-existent. They allows remove a need to press yet another setup button for curse dps. Decent dps and QoL. Modified Sulphur flask - edited a sulphur flask to fill in the effects of the new inspiration gem, the slayer proximity damage passive, and doowsower's added fire damage that were not supported on PoB. ******************************** With all that covered I'm looking for help with the defensive portion of my build. I haven;t done armor / evasion hybrid in years and am not sure if it will hold up. I used some pretty conservative gear on my PoB so I think the damage will scale up fine. I just don't want to all in on my defense without getting some opinions. I have a few 80+ duelists to run some tests on so if anyone sees where I could tweak the build to make it a bit stronger defensively please let me know. Last edited by Exiledtyrant#1006 on Sep 6, 2019, 5:08:13 AM Last bumped on Sep 6, 2019, 4:23:00 AM
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