WoW Classic!!
It comes tomorrow! Already resubscribed after 10+ years. Jesus christ. It's been so long since I played WoW.
I'm getting so hyped. See you guys when PoE 4.0 comes out! (⌐■_■) Last bumped on Sep 6, 2019, 10:09:10 AM
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I can't seem to grasp what excites people about WoW so much. Don't take this the wrong way, i'm genuinely curious. I haven't played a single second of WoW, but i know a lot about WoW's lore because of Hearthstone, so today i decided to tune in on Twitch, seeing that it currently has 600+k viewers, thinking that it would intrigue me. The visuals are so off putting, and you don't get any of that visceral feel when you're in combat like in PoE or Diablo. This is just a perspective of a complete WoW noob tho.
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queue simulators in 2019...
I have enough with being a beta tester for tencentggg for free the first 2 weeks of the league to deal with that. "Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."
Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words. poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad. |
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" The WoW appeal has always been the social interaction of players in the game to create memorable experiences for the player. As the game encourages group play to beat hard content and for safety, as pvp zones are much easier to navigate with a couple people, rather than going solo. I mean some places in WoW are so notorious for pvp, that if you aren't running a group. You are just asking to get yourself killed. IE. Stranglethorn Vale is practically vietnam. Hillsbrad Foothills is a tug-of-war between two cities. And all of that is player-driven solely based on people questing in the area. None of it is scripted. You walk into the zone not sure what to expect. And it's that unexpected element of being on your toes that I love the most about old World of Wacraft. I mean as an example. One time I had just finished questing, and the only way back to town was through a bridge. And there on the bridge, blocking my way, was an enemy warrior 5 levels higher than me. I'm like. I'm fucked. He's going to come over and kill me. And I'm going to have to spend 20 minutes running back to respawn my dead body. So, I'm like well fuck it. I just run over to him to get it over with, and we start fighting. And as both of us were trying to get around each other person (cause you can't attack if the target is behind you). He accidently jumps off the bridge trying to out manuever me and falls to his death. And I didn't realize it till I get the notice that he died. Cause the battle was getting hectic and I was pressing all sorts of buttons to keep myself alive. And when I realize it. I'm fucking way LOL. Hahaha. I can't believe he actually killed himself, lol. And I run the fuck out of there and cause I got super danm lucky and don't want to wait till he respawns. There was also a time, where I was randomly running down the road through thousand needles. And I saw a random enemy player 2-levels lower than me, questing. And he was hitting a monster and hadn't noticed me. And I'm like, this is my chance for revenge. For all the times, I got killed and the pain and suffering I had to go through to get here. It's time to pass on the pain motherfucker! So, I start killing him. And he tries to run away, but I'm smacking the shit out of him. And out of nowhere. He gets a HEAL as I was about to kill him. And I'm like FUCK. I don't know where that heal came from. But its like 2 vs 1 now. And in WoW you don't beat those odds. So, I'm like shit. I got to get out. And now he is chasing me, and I now see in the distance some random enemy druid, running behind him and healing his ass. And I'm like shit, karma is a bitch. Then as I getting double-teamed by these two. I get a HEAL. And I'm like what the fuck, and I see a friendly paladin coming to save me, who just happened to be running down the road. And then the next second my brain is going from flight to fight, cause now I have a chance now to turn the tables. And after a few minutes of back and forth. Me and this random paladin killed both of them. And I told him like danm. I should not have survived that. Thanks dude. And he was like, yeah no problems. Those guys were assholes trying to team-up on you. Gotta even out the playing field. And I'm like, oh that's right he doesn't know I was the one who started everything. And I was haha, I felt a little guilty the whole thing started cause I was acting like a bloodthirsty psychopath, but he doesn't need to know that right? So, I thanked him and I was off. And I dunno, so many other times I had such great experiences that I even got today randomly questing. I mean there is a reason WoW became more popular than everquest and the rest of the early mmos. For player-interaction there is no comparison. It's danm good. (⌐■_■)
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" Yeah, because that is the only thing that will happen. Forget all the other things that made/make vanilla great. Subjectivity these days. I mean, god... The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
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" Okay. I give you that: the night elf doll was funny ;) Even if i think that this "oh did i get you, did i give you too much Aristotle to handle?" is getting out of control in this forum in recent times... No, you didn't hurt me. And no, you did not "get me". I just don't like this "technique" of cynism and negativity just to make a statement that fits your worldview. And maybe just take 5 minutes to go through past threads and discussions. I am very often on your side or appreciate your input. But sometimes there is just too much negativity flying around. And maybe this is what hurts me. A little bit. Sometimes. Pointing at the doll's heart. The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
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Hugs! Yeah!
I also think it is not ... not greedy. But still: If you plan to invest a LOT of time into classic, it is worth its money. Not for me. Hell no. But still: If you let yourself sink in deep into what vanilla is, there is no better mmorpg out there - if you like it bulky, slow and time-consuming ;) The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
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" Barrens chat was great, especially when you played Horde (which I did almost exclusively). Will I re-sub to ActiBlizz? Still undecided, depends a lot on Blight and the coming year at work. ~ There are spectacular moments.
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" That's exactly what it was (and East Commons before that) but amplified due to the expanded age ranges and sheer population that WoW attracted. Last edited by 3DNeophyte#5208 on Aug 30, 2019, 6:47:23 AM
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" EC tunnel was SO much fun for bartering. We used to go to great lengths to hawk our wares in creative ways. Best thing about LoIO though was that it was a zone used for the final step for an Epic Weapon quest (Monk I believe), so now and then your banter would be interrupted by a zone-wide announcement of someone finishing their grueling Epic quest, and everyone would cheer. They were good times. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. |
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