Australian Housing Market Situation

I just crossed this video (Exposing Australia's housing crisis)

Can any Australians chime on this?
Heart of Purity

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Last bumped on Aug 27, 2019, 8:08:44 PM
- Land tax too high
- High Tax barrier for oversea investors
- Overly tight banking loan policies
- Negative forecast for economy (domestic and international reasons)
- Less construction = less jobs for people working in this sector

I'm not too worried far it's holding.
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
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I want my minutes back.

There isn't a housing crisis btw, there is a debt crisis and its a global thing.

You know "debt" that thing banks call "assets" in the biggest wordplay and con in human history.

Bailing out the 2008 financial crisis means everybody unanimously agreed to say "fuck reality" instead of rebooting.

Fuck going into policy, welfare/social cost, using the tax and inflation to hook future generations on permanent loans.

This show explained nothing of relevance as far as i can see.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
there is a debt crisis and its a global thing.
You know "debt" that thing banks call "assets" in the biggest wordplay and con in human history.

we are creating a debt star muhahahaha
Let the games begin
whineston wrote:
Boem wrote:
there is a debt crisis and its a global thing.
You know "debt" that thing banks call "assets" in the biggest wordplay and con in human history.

we are creating a debt star muhahahaha

It's all fun and games in a democracy untill you erode the middle class which is the prerequisit for such a goverment structure.

The welfare state was a nice ploy to undermine capitalism "on behalf of the poor" which by any standart have never benefited from the regulations it enforces and allows the debt to be pushed on the next generation nullifying their ability to move within the society's wealth brackets.

It's all very sad while the inteligentia pat one another on the back for being so righteous and having good intentions.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
60 Minutes is a step above A Current Affair, but they pull from a lot of the same sensationalist playbook. If they say there's a "crisis", the reality is probably more like "a slight uptick in a trend, that if absolutely everything goes wrong for a sustained period, could eventually lead to a moderately bad outcome for some people". Don't look to Nine for sensible reporting.
鬼殺し wrote:
While this is largely true, there's plenty of evidence in everyday suburban Australian life that we are in a housing crisis. Plenty. No need to downplay something just because certain sources tend to exaggerate them.
When things are being exaggerated is precisely the time to downplay the exaggerated version of them.
鬼殺し wrote:
Not to the extent you did.
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm nonetheless not about to start using the term "crisis" here. You are right to note that I wasn't here to start a dialogue (hence my post not being directed at anyone in particular), nor any larger discussion on media sensationalism for that matter. I was just responding to the initial post.

But since not responding to everything you feel like writing is apparently "cherrypicking", an explanation: I didn't comment on things like your personal anecdote because I'm not really sure what "I own a house and it would be expensive to buy a bigger one" is supposed to have been doing in the conversation (Is that what "grim" looks like from where you are?). That, combined with the ABC article, which was, as you said, much calmer, didn't seem to be doing your "we are in a housing crisis" many favours, which was a little confusing, and left me without much of a reason to say...anything.
There are currently ratings for countries, 172 places... Sweden, Canada, norway, Finland, Australia... rated #1 The usa rated 2nd... We are rated second because of wealth distribution and healthcare... Iran rated #17.

...Housing market is fine Australia.
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
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Last edited by solwitch#4681 on Aug 18, 2019, 2:34:36 AM
Market slowdown and Market correction does not have to be undesirable. Home Prices are just Overvalued and many people buying overpriced houses.

What is better than a cheap mortgages and expensive houses are cheaper houses. If you want people to own a house you want cheaper houses not higher property prices. Australia home ownership would decreases with more expensive houses.

Real estate markets cooling down could be welcoming rather than bad.

solwitch wrote:
There are currently ratings for countries, 172 places... Sweden, Canada, norway, Finland, Australia... rated #1 The usa rated 2nd... We are rated second because of wealth distribution and healthcare... Iran rated #17.

...Housing market is fine Australia.

How can USA be 2nd with 5 countries in the front?

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