Justified Hatred... Please read.
Recently there have been various atrocities, that are related to, "hatred." So some ask, "what is hatred." In psychology hatred is a form of self deprecation (sort of). Let me explain, say for example you lost your job or having a rough episode in your life. Naturally you think to yourself, "something or someone must be to blame."
So one day you decide to look at the news and the news relates to your hardship and points out a specific group of people. Or perhaps you came to your own conclusions... So you start to dwell on the notion, after a few days, weeks or months you come to decide these individual(s) are to blame for your personal misfortunes... So now you don’t see him or her as a human being, but as an object(s). That’s hatred, no compassion or empathy. Thats when you should seek guidance... When you are tired, fed up, feel helpless please know there are ways without violence to rectify any situation. If anyone on this forum knows anyone that may give a hint of being, "lost." Guide him or her... Anne Frank... A 13-15 year old girl that had to hide, just because she was different. I digress... My best advice to the world, fellow humans... A simple, "hello." Can go a long way to making someones day a bit brighter. See someone by themselves, getting bullied? Maybe a co-worker having difficult times? Or you see a mom/father can’t afford something... Hell pitch in, protect... Get involved. Be human, be yourself. I learned personally a few weeks ago life is short... Cliche I know, but relativity hits hard. So as I always do, I am sending positive energy to you all, strangers and all. Hopefully a lost soul comes across this, and if he or she does here... In the scheme of it all... Fate brought you here... Smile. "Another... Solwitch thread." AST Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2 "...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear Last edited by Nav_GGG#0000 on Aug 15, 2019, 5:50:23 PM Last bumped on Aug 10, 2019, 7:30:08 AM
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i appreciate the positive vibes friend. we are seeing more and more people falling victim to the brain-washing and fear-mongering that spreads hate. not only does it affect those individuals, and their families, and the people that they decide to hate (which is atrocious already) but it's also a distraction from the *even bigger* problems we face as a human race. the more people who are focused on hating others (and the more people who are focused on dispelling that hatred) the less people there are to focus on taking the power back from these mega corporations. they are literally destroying our home, our earth will not be able to support life for much longer (relatively speaking) and we need to make MAJOR changes. it will be a long, difficult process. the first step is to drop the hatred and realize that we are all one people. we are all on the same ship and it's sinking.
TURN OFF THE NEWS AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR ░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄███▄░░░░░
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Most of us realize there are too many people on the planet, and too much greed. Some of us are not willing to wait for the climate disasters to take their toll on human population.
Some of us are in too much of a goddamn hurry even for the apocalypse. Never mind that we're on the leading edge of a class-level extinction event that would put the Permian-Triassic extinction to shame. Never mind that we've all but set up our own extinction. Measles is back on the menu, bacterial and fungal sepsis that defies all known antibiotics, stockpiles of smallpox without a global consensus on what to do with them, Ebola politics, mass sickenings from industrial food production, Chagas/Amoebic and viral encephalitis marching north with the hot climate. [Removed by Support] Whether some dude at the bigmart speaks Spanish at home or not is the LAST of our worries, but any real brakes on the clown car to Hell requires that we care about that dude, even a little bit. [19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game Last edited by Dux_GGG#0000 on Aug 13, 2019, 5:39:18 PM
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Reddit thread
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Embrace the dark side! It make u stronk.
Stop giving a damn about humanity, and life becomes way simpler when you only truly give a damn about yourself and your personal interests. It's quite liberating. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Aug 11, 2019, 6:56:30 AM
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" Give a try to the game "Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice". ![]() Last edited by Rexeos#3429 on Aug 11, 2019, 8:28:13 AM
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I really fucking hate when people I dont know say hello to me
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" Did you perhaps forget that the people you know said hello to you in the past?
hello :p
Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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Oh cmon...recently? That's technology bias.
Crack a history book. This isn't new, this isnt novel, this isnt even concerning.(that sounds bad, but its true) The communication age, which ironically has lead to poorer communication skills, has just heightened our awareness to the cruel reality of humankind. We are evolved animals, but animals nonetheless, in our most basic survival instincts. Certainly we have compassion, empathy, and a desire to protect our loved ones, but inherently, our own self interest and survival are an imprinted genetic trait. Threats, whether they be real, or imagined, impact how we interact with each other. Conflict & competition is inevitable. We are overpopulated, have limited resources, and have vastly different values on how we should live our lives. Saying hello and hi to everyone is a sunshine and rainbows view of an issue of tribalism that spans centuries. It wont be rooted out by sjw or political correctness. In fact, the more emphasis that gets put here, the greater the friction. At some point, people just get fed up with the bullshit and act out. You cannot "force" people to think and act a certain way. It has to be in sync with their self interest. The problem is trying to find a solution, for which the problem doesnt have one. You cannot have a Human Utopia. (Without suppression of mind/emotions which could lead to another whole dystopian discussion) So I suppose in the end, all you can do is try and mitigate all the "poor" qualities we have as a species, and how those impact everyone else. In this we can only effort to do the best we can. This sounds grim I know, but it's just reality. The sooner you accept the fact that we wont always get along with each other, we are all in competition for limited resources, and that in the end we are really focused on ourselves, the sooner you can try, at a minimum, to co-exist as peacefully as possible. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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" I agree with most of what you wrote, but i think some nuance is required for your post since it draws broad strokes. For example, you write "the communication age has lead to poorer communication skills", which in my opinion is a fallacy. What to me appears to be the case is that people are trying and testing various means of communication and communication strategies enabled by our new found luxury's. For example, if i were to give my nephew(seven years old) access to my facebook or other sources of online communication i wouldn't expect splendid results and a big load of "what was wrong with you yesterday" reply's in my mailbox. Because he would probably use them to experiment and develop his communication skills and strategies.(resulting in a slew of unwanted patterns) I imagine as time moves on, certain strategies will be got rid off and others will stay just like we did in the past. It's very easy to forget just how new these methods are and that society as a whole is still in the "seven year old" phase and that these tools are developing at very rapid speeds.(allowing little time for "conclusions" to be formulated) I would counter that argumentation for example with the fact that i talk to a lot of people on the streets and that those are perfectly normal and reasonable conversations. Also on the point of overpopulation(a point also raised by a previous poster with a more "let's get all genocidal" tendency in it) i see no real argumentation for this. A feeling and a personal sense, perhaps, but nothing that really backs it up. For example, overpopulated by what measure? And by whose models? Which person is the arbiter on this conclusion and for what reason. I would argue that if we went back 150 years people probably also felt "overpopulated", yet we trippled the population in that time-frame with little problems along the way.(in the more general broad sense, wealth went up, poverty went down, criminality plummeted etc) So i would have to see some models that suggest we couldn't double our current population without issue aswell. And the problem with models is that they project into the future based on current parameters. Economist 150 years ago for example wouldn't have a clue what kind of fuels would be developed, what an airplain is, which models of distribution would be developed, what goods and comodity's the new society would demand etc etc I tend to agree that opening a history book helps people move away from being nervous and fatalist though. The ancient greeks thought that writing would demolish our memory for example, the person inventing the printing press thought it would be a tool that would "christanize" the entire world because now people would be able to read the bibble on mass, with the advent of the television people thought that family's would no longer eat dinner together and be glued to a television screen. People have prophesied the weirdest stuff but none of them had a glass orb to gaze in and most are proven wrong by time. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes