Grim Dawn builds

Anyone got some fun builds for GD?

I honestly can't seem to find anything fun, so I'm open for suggestions. Preferably something that is tanky / has at least decent AoE / doesn't use skills with long a** cooldowns making the game boring. Kinda new to it, got it during Synth when I was burnt out from PoE so now trying to play it again until next league.

Also if someone is looking for someone to play it with, you can PM me the link to your steam and I'll add you (got all the expansions).
Last bumped on Aug 1, 2019, 10:40:48 PM
Are the GD forums really that bad that PoE's lightly populated Off-Topic is the best place for this?
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
Are the GD forums really that bad that PoE's lightly populated Off-Topic is the best place for this?

Bad? I'd go with horrible, honestly. Besides the fact that they "updated" their forums recently so you can't open 99% of the threads, the most help you'll get there is the "try my build" replies (with recycled copy-paste builds).

On top of that, I'd rather have a suggestion from someone who actually plays PoE, y'know? And considering there's plenty of PoE streamers who were playing it recently - doesn't hurt to ask here :)
Speaking of streamers who play both games, LiftingNerdBro has some builds. Many recent. He has a cyclone (forget what it is called in GD) but you do have to have Forgotten Gods.

I don't like the GD forums either. They seem to be plagued with tech issues and the organization is horrid.
鬼殺し wrote:
My little 'we're spying on you so here's some suggestions based on what we've seen' feed on the tablet keeps throwing GD builds and reddit posts at me like they're news, so maybe start with the GD reddit.

Also, I found my enjoyment of the game skyrocketed when I admitted the base game wasn't doing it for me and installed some popular class mods, tripling the base classes and...goodness knows-ing the total combinations. Without those, it felt a little too much like a clunkier, more convoluted Titan Quest.

Oh, and we sort of have a consolidated GD discussion thread here. Might be some build talk there. I get the feeling most Exiles devote the bulk of their build-creating faculties to PoE though...

Nothing helpful on GD subreddit, sadly. Biggest problem is people linking forum threads there, for which all links are broken do to the change that they did recently.

Highly interested in which mods you're referring to. I find the content in GD fun, but most classes boring since you are more or less forced to do a certain combo depending on what you want to play.

EDIT: I just checked, and there are some cool mods. I honestly had no clue there would be anything interesting among mods, so I never bothered checking before. Thanks a lot for mentioning it!
Last edited by TheFrostmourne#7265 on Jul 22, 2019, 7:17:18 PM
Holy molly, 21 more classes? That seems dope! Thanks a lot for the suggestion and sending me the link!

If I make that work with some of the mods that remove cooldowns, that is gonna be awesome. Thanks again, I really appreciate the help!
One thing I wanted to try to get going when I last played GD was a fire strike elementalist (I think... not quite sure. Could've also been a pyromancer, can't quite remember which one it was) based around the Archon's Warmaul. Fire strike as a melee aoe attack just seemed weirdly interesting to me.

I never really finished the build concept, so I have no idea how good it'd actually be.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
鬼殺し wrote:
Funny thing about Fire Strike was the icon was a cannon or gun shooting, but I only ever used it as a melee skill. :)

First time I used it, it was on a double pistol purifier. It's a really good ranged skill it seems.

Speaking of ranged... another thing I always wanted to make but never did was a two handed ranged savagery build. Can't get it to make any semblence of sense when I'm planning it. Maybe as a Gutripper bleed variant?
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
FCK42 wrote:

First time I used it, it was on a double pistol purifier. It's a really good ranged skill it seems.

Speaking of ranged... another thing I always wanted to make but never did was a two handed ranged savagery build. Can't get it to make any semblence of sense when I'm planning it. Maybe as a Gutripper bleed variant?

Yep, it seems more suitable for ranged than melee.

I have seen a cool looking Savagery / Primal Strike Shammy/Elementalist couple of days ago. I'm not sure if there is grimtools link for it, but I'll dig up the youtube link.

EDIT: Here it is! There's also grimtools link for it in the description of the video, hope that's close to what you're looking for
Last edited by TheFrostmourne#7265 on Jul 24, 2019, 4:43:54 AM
I'm not sure if it's still viable in the latest patch, but I was running a Krieg's Set Aether-melee Death Knight, and it was pretty awesome. The only real threat was against packs that could drop your toggles. But everyone could die to that.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Jul 25, 2019, 5:46:37 PM

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