3.7 LSC Glasscannon BF/FB Berserker [65m DPS]
Obviously, this build and gameplay is far from being for everyone, and very few people will approach it at all, most likely, but still.
If suddenly you have any questions about the reasons for choosing this or that talent / subject / skill / link, in other words, the questions are strictly about the build itself, feel free to ask them in the comment, no matter how silly they seem to you. Questions like "Why did you do this?", "Why are you spreading the guide on such an expensive build?" you can keep it, as they are as stupid as possible and do not cause anything other than other issues and conflicts, and will be ignored when they appear. This guide is laid out certainly not in order to demonstrate DPS or boast anything. 💫🌟Build motto🌟💫 ![]() PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/9sACtuTY Video: Shaper deaths with full HP in 0.2 sec Deathless Uber Elder kill on 1:50 Hydra full run Mino full run Phoenix full run Chimera full run[/b] Pros: ➕ Very fast. ➕ Not met. Has a huge DPS. POSSIBLE, the biggest, but it is not accurate. (True, many will find that it is pointless to overclock it to such values. I’ll say that this is just my "Ninja Way," a personal playlist. ➕ Potentially new, probably for many, gameplay, as almost all the community prefers chillout builds. ➕ Almost unlimited development opportunities for a build on the league (In PoB DPS victory goes up to 333 million dps with mirror gear.) Of course, in the league you can hardly collect all this. However, as an indicator of the potential for growth, this is a very impressive figure.) ➕ Does not have build-forming unique. Farrul's Fur is only needed to generate frenzy and power chargs on bosses, which significantly increases DPS and speed. Cons: ➖ Not suitable for beginners. At least because of too much demands on the gear. ➖ We can not run the following modes on the maps: ▶ Any type of reflect. ❗As much as we use on the sweep Icy Blades, then, in general, on the physical. we will almost not care about a reflect, it is only important to remember that the ability to move will still cause physical damage, which means that when you hit a mob with this skill, a rip will happen❗ ▶ Cannot Leech Life from Monsters & Cannot Leech Mana from Monsters; Next mods we can be run, but they make life difficult for us: ▶ Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains; ▶ Monsters have #% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments; (The best thing skip the all values of this mod, as the so-called "Hedgehogs" may spawn on the map, which scatter spikes when they die. And if you do not split them with the help of freezing, then you can 100% rip off. Because of this, you can also map screw up, so it is better to reroll.) There are also combinations of mods that can cause us trouble, but these are only minor inconveniences: ▶ Combination of #% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield/cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield and Players are Cursed with Vulnerability/Area has patches of desecrated ground/Area has patches of burning ground; All other modes run with the same degree of complexity, regardless of the combination. ➖ Very expensive. ➖ Almost always dies in one hit of any mobs because of a too small HP pool, which means that you need a good micro and reaction. ➖ Bad for leagstart. ➖ In a fight with Uber Atziri, difficulties arise because this “animal” reflects 1% of damage, and this property almost always hangs on it, even if you give at least one hit with Blade Flurry, you will immediately rip. This problem can be solved only in one way: long fight with only totem and kite. The only joy - you can not be afraid to beat a copy without a mirror, so this phase will fly off very quickly. ➖ Extremely strongly rests on rare items, because of which you can hardly take the necessary unique due to the lack of resists, because all where you will eventually be allowed to take resists are rings, boots and craft resists on the amulet from the crafted bench. ➖ It is almost impossible to LVLup on your own after 90-91 due to the small HP pool and the almost complete absence of a survival mechanic. Playing on this build is worth thinking about the experience lich, wounds on Pure Breach and running on 5 emblems (available only in the current league). At the last experience flies hardest. Even in the period from 96 to 07, 10-11% of experience is gained for wounds.
▶ Even pure phys up in the past global patch by introducing a impale, all this is in any case seriously inferior to the mechanics of the convert, extra ele resists and penetration. Pure phys and impale is cheaper, and on the same budget, at some 30–50 ex, better than ele damage, but at a distance seriously loses to him. ▶ We’ll we convert phys to cold, because it is the most convenient and powerful in these realities for physical builds based on the envelope element, because we have a skill that allows us to reduce the resistance to cold at the target (use on bosses), except In addition, there are very good points in the tree itself, which allow you to cut the resistance of the targets and additionally convert the physics into cold, and it will also be clearly better if you freeze all the targets, which will greatly simplify the cleaning of the maps and the passage of the new league mechanics Legion, which punishes this build any brain lag very much, especially Maraketh. Bandits: We only help Alira, because we have problems with resists, as well as mana regen and crit multi, obviously, will be very useful to us. Pantheon: Small soul - Ralakesh (Considering that we have a 100% hit chance, and not Hits can't be Evaded, then it can be reduced with the same blinding, which sometimes can break everything. This soul solves this problem. Immunity will also be a pleasant bonus to Maim and the reduced physical damage ower time, which reduces the degen from the Blood Rage and gives a few more situational bonuses) Big Soul - Brain King (As we have a small HP pool, we need to somehow defend ourselves from the mills, otherwise it will be impossible to play)
Currently Gear
Gear Recommendations
⏩ Your first purchase is an Abyssus helmet that will boost damage too much. Crit multi search higher, and the property #% increased Physical Damage taken, obviously, lower. The only useful enchant is 40% of the Increased Blade Flurry Damage. ⏩ The very first thing worth starting a craft is a good rapier, since at the start they will give you the most DPS. (You should start with catching on the base of Jeweled Foil T1 Adds # to # Phisical damage to attacks) ⏩ Next, you should buy a Tombfist with two ebyssal sockets, but for starters, of course, one is enough. (In the future, the same Tombfist will be the walk-through gloves, but already with corrupt Attacks have + #% to Critical Strike Chance. Try to take the highest percentage. When you buy them, decide for yourself, but I recommend buying them right after You bought the perfect Watcher's Eye) ⏩ The second item worth starting to craft is an amulet, since of all the rares after rapiers, it is easiest to craft: You just need the base Agate Amulet 82 ilvl and Jagged Fossil in the nth quantity. Just throw them into the amulet until you catch: -T1 Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage -T1 Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage -T1 Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances (If instead of penetration or extra lightning you catch a flat phys, then that's okay. It is important to catch the extra cold in combination with two of the listed mods.) You can craft this amulet in parallel with the accumulation of currency for Farrul's Fur ⏩ After buying Tombfist, you can start saving money on Farrul's Fur and the ring with the Kota aspect and the necessary resists. So far, one body is enough for a boss fight, but in the future it will be necessary to purchase a second one. Although, if you are very greedy, you can make 2-3 white sockets in the body and swap the gems, but then you will stand at the bossroom like a fool for half a minute I have 5 gems from inventory to the body, and this is quite long and very annoying. (This is important only on the Guardians, as on any other maps you will erase everything only with the Frost Blades skill) ⏩ Forget about the Ryslatha's Coil until you have craft or bought +/- acceptable boots, which, along with rings, will raise your resists by at least + 5 / -5 near the cap, and before that you should run with a different belt on Stygian Vise, with the Jewel Murderous Eye inserted into it. For abyssal jewels it’s best to look for the same features as mine. (Next, creation of mirror boots will be described. You can dwell on the numerical value of resists that is convenient for you, which should be enough to bring them to + 5 / -5 near the cap, but if you have a lot of money and all the previous items already have , it is necessary to finish the resists to their maximum value) ⏩ In general, shoes are not too easy to craft. Although it is not as expensive and complicated craft as craft rings. It has significantly less randomness though. You need to collect resonators for 3 sockets and a bunch of three fossils: a combination of two non-conflicting elemental (Frigid/Metallic/Scorched), which resists you will catch depends on them, and the third is Hollow Fossil, which will give you the abyss socket, for up dpsa. It is advisable to immediately buy a base of boots on the resists (Two-Toned Boots) with the necessary enchant Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently (On the map this will not affect anything, but you will have to fight with the bosses it up your DPS), and already they all throw it. When you catch 2 T1 resist and a socket, just slam EX and clean them with the property Suffixes Cannot be changed, and slam EX again until you catch T1 HP. After this, craft can be considered finished. It remains only to throw the coveted craft from the crafted bench Cannot be Frozen, and that's all. I think that T1 HP can be caught for 20-30Ex in total, since there are not so many prefixes. As a result, you can throw copies to close the remaining free suffix, and hope for a hybrid life, as MS will not give you much due to the fact that the movement is done through the movement skill. ⏩ At the expense of Watcher's Eye, at first it is better to buy Jewel only for Crit while Hatred, because because of the stacks of Blitz, we will have less crit than we would like. In the future, be sure to purchase a bunch of Crit + Convert. (It’s worth buying a budget version after buying Tombfist, and buy its perfect version when you see fit) ⏩ Rings should be craft at last, since they are the most difficult and random part of the build. Of course, it is possible to start buying Essence of Hysteria from the start, but this is a long and tedious task, though not expensive, since for two leagues they cost 5c each, and then just throw them into the Diamond Ring base. But the simplest option is to wait until the necessary bases appear on the trade, namely a bundle of mods: -T1 Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks -T1 #% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills -Gain 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage If you can’t wait, then T2 mods will do too And then the hardest part will begin. Now everything will depend on your randomness. You will need slam two EX for attempt and after you catch both shity mods you need craft Preffixes Cannot be Changed and Scour. If after one of two EX slaming you catch some T1 resistances you need again craft Preffixes Cannot be Changed and annul unnecessary mod. If the resist is canceled, throw the scoring and start again with a new one, if you are lucky, throw another Ex. Then just manipulate these actions until you get the desired result. But something like this should turn out in the end: ![]() !!IMPORTANT!! The item level of the rings for docking must necessarily be 84+, because any of the T1 resists is caught only from this level of the subject. This is my guide, which was moved by me from the Russian forum. If I made any mistakes when translating, please correct me. !!THIS EVENING GUIDE WILL BE FULLY COMPLETED!! Last edited by Sankekurse#3148 on Jul 22, 2019, 5:57:31 AM Last bumped on Jul 22, 2019, 5:55:02 AM
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Last edited by axeck#3842 on Jul 22, 2019, 7:27:59 AM
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