The high cost of disasters

So, down here where I live we had massive storm last Sunday (no tornado, despite initial reports to the contrary) but winds over 100 mph. The thing lasted all of 5 minutes (I looked out the window and saw a tree and some piece of twisted metal just zoom on by) and BOOM!

Everything is a pile of shit.

We had no power for 2 days, and our internet was only restored yesterday late afternoon. No phone service either for first day or so. Not really sure when that returned.

What did I do? Well, I spent 2 days in the only hotel room I could find in my area w/no reservation (Renaissance). Spent $200 a night for said hotel, PLUS the mf's actually charged me a flat fee for wifi (I had to do biz I can't take off days on end), room service put me in mind of Danglar's punishment (if you have never read the Count of Monte Christo I suggest you do). $45 for a small breakfast! UGH. I cook better ones.

What I really wonder about is: What in the fuck are people supposed to do that have little or no $$ !!!!

I understand from friends that if you get declared a disaster FEMA helps but we didn't get that. :(

We were lucky temp wise as the storm was caused by a cold front making it very cool and pleasant for this time of year. But it is hot again and some folks don't have electricity. STILL. I can't stand it in the house if it is over 78F or so. Cats are spoiled and literally pretend to be sick if it is over 75F and lower than 68F


I did not post this to get sympathy so much as I'm really wondering what in hell people are supposed to do?
Last edited by kolyaboo#7295 on Jun 14, 2019, 1:47:57 PM
Last bumped on Jun 20, 2019, 3:45:35 AM
Rely on the mercy and empathy of others.

Not sure what you were expecting, but that's how things go.

Disasters are usually a good thing for the community fabric in a perverse way, since it strips away common perception bariers between people. All of a sudden everybody is back to "just surviving" and in such a situation banding together pays off.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Find a prepper, and loot what they have. Potentially months/years worth of food stores, along with guns/ammo, no telling what else? Makes you a target for a large group of people. If I had that kinda supplies, I wouldn't tell a soul about it.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Jun 14, 2019, 6:31:46 PM
go to a country that is actually civilised and gives shelters and food out to people? or are you saying the problem was the downbreak of eletricity? Then i would recommend going to a place where they lay those things into the ground. You only need to fear storms hitting the actual transformator stations :>
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
Boem wrote:
Disasters are usually a good thing for the community fabric in a perverse way, since it strips away common perception bariers between people. All of a sudden everybody is back to "just surviving" and in such a situation banding together pays off.

Pretty clear that you have never been to Texas. This place is not "civilized". I've said it before, you need to travel a little and find out how the other nine tenths live. Not being mean, just realistic.

MrSmiley, I would have felt an ass if I didn't have guns and ammo. This sort of thing is why we have guns, eh? My neighborhood was quiet but I've heard the stories of NYC in blackouts and I keep firearms at hand.

The point is that most people can't afford to just pick and go to a hotel and ride it out. Especially if you are talking about a protracted stay.

Total collapse of civilization in a way would be preferable. No work to worry about, no bills, just survival.
as a fellow citizen in Texas I dont recall the winds getting that high, I recall seeing them getting as high as 70-75mph downburst winds(still pretty high)

but that storm was fun... I glanced outside once it cut my power and had to actually push to close my door back... I could see the wind speed just looking at the rain

I was out of power for only a few hours at least(I ran off to watch a movie in an area that still had power... just to have my power come back 15 mins later(based on clocks in home)

had family that no power for a bit longer :/
kolyaboo wrote:
Boem wrote:
Disasters are usually a good thing for the community fabric in a perverse way, since it strips away common perception bariers between people. All of a sudden everybody is back to "just surviving" and in such a situation banding together pays off.

Pretty clear that you have never been to Texas. This place is not "civilized". I've said it before, you need to travel a little and find out how the other nine tenths live. Not being mean, just realistic.

It's irrelevant if people are civilized or not.

Here is the thing, even if a place is not civilized that just means the banding together will form smaller groups who compete with one another eventually resulting in one party taking all the assets.(assuming they are left alone without external oversight)

I'm talking about basic human nature without judgement of good/bad or status and worth etc.

Your correct that places with low empathy will form lower groups and places with high empathy will form big groups(culturally) but that doesn't mean the process in itself is different.

In your example, you could go to a church or school for example, which are cultural places with high empathy to have higher success of survival.

Look at it like this, you acted anti-social. You had the money and simply took care of yourself while apparently being fully able to comprehend others might be suffering disproportionately, so it's not hard to imagine all people with money behaving in a similar fashion.
They have the "get out of jail" free-card, path of least resistance dictates that is what they will do.

Imagine your behavior without that money at your disposal and then extrapolate to a big population.

I'm going to assume that high empathy organisations opened their doors for the people who are not in your situation and that those people are banding together to make the best of a shit situation.

Also i'm taking this for granted most likely, but i inherently assume people would die within those stress situation if perpetuated long enough and resources dry up.
Because empathy would only extend to the group formed, not to other groups if the situations get dire.
So don't assume i'm talking about some wishy washy heavenly glow feelsgood scenario here, i am not.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Dude I've sank a 120K Caterpillar loader in a pool. I've broke people slabs that run through home and broke walls and tile in the process. I know abt disasters, I have insurance for them. Workmans's comp, bonding, liability and an umbella policy.

Life aint perfect but you should plan for worst.
Git R Dun!
In Japan, we've learned that some basic preparation to stress/blood circulation disorder: correct static information, sleep and stretch, infection: flu mask(dust control) clean clothe, food and water, bathing and temporary restroom, backup wireless network for a first week is good for any situation. For the emergence or further period, we'd better consider evacuation where the public assistance is expected to support housing, traffic, distribution and community infra's.

It's important that the proper warning is announced accordingly from the local governor parallel to the damage estimation/evacuation map and the set warning levels (not central governor or "expert" who has never visited the estimated disaster area. not that they are useless but they got the most important roll, listen to the victim/damage state. literally everyone in the disaster including local government staffs, hospital, police, firefighter can be heavily stressed or damaged.)

Though it's not for those in the ongoing disaster, "We cannot prepare for the sudden, unexpected disaster" is the mindset that leads to unnecessary loss/delay.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
thank you, thats just what i wanted to know

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