Post i replied

Is there a way to know or see what post do i replied here? im looking for and old build (necro zombie) but i can remember the post name and looking in my bookmarks is a no no cuz my old disk died
if anyone know please tell me
Who the hell is Nana?
Last bumped on Apr 2, 2019, 7:42:50 PM
You can see all your posts, and well as other users'. Just go to your profile and then "recent forum posts".
Last edited by Zphyr on Apr 2, 2019, 6:16:47 PM
You can also just go to the subforum you'd like to search and scroll to the bottom and click the "View my threads" button and it'll show you every thread you've replied to in that section only.
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Shovelcut wrote:
You can also just go to the subforum you'd like to search and scroll to the bottom and click the "View my threads" button and it'll show you every thread you've replied to in that section only.

Oh! Didn't know that... thought it was only for threads we created. Nice catch ;)

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