Fat Rat gets stuck in German manhole
God Bless the Germans! Last bumped on Mar 24, 2019, 8:01:46 AM
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Man is good. Man wanted to help the rat. I wish I could have helped the fat rat out.
Last edited by coatofarms#2347 on Feb 27, 2019, 7:06:57 PM
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This was a self solving problem.. Rat gets fat. Rat gets stuck. Rat unable to eat. Rat thins out. Rat is now unstuck.
This was certainly not 'news'. |
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It´s a perfect example why nobody listens to the main propaganda newsnetworks in germany anymore. All of those articles combined only lead to the single solution that we have to purge all the greens sooner or later inorder to save the bees.
Take into consideration that a large chunk is owned by one company that has a big shareholder from SPD. Now that we have an obesitycrisis at hand, we should strenghten our efforts to produce less food via more ökological agriculture. A sharp drop down from 80doublezentneres to 60 will also correlate nicely with a drop from 80Million to 60Millions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drDs-Y5DNH8
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A good rat was saved and I approve. Judging by the fur coloring it could be a domestic rat let loose, only domestic rats do stupid things like that outside. If any of my people were let out on the street then holy hell, all of them would get Darwin's gold medal.
Be ready. You're not paranoid, you're PREPARED.
I quit this game every few months and so should you to continue playing it in the future. The device is believed to have been dropped |
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If they spent more time and resources on securing their border rather than saving vermin, maybe their country could live to see the next century.
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Sadly that only shows how mentally ill most of us germans are. We pay millions of Euros to kill the rats in our cities but when some rat is stuck like this one we don't simply chop it's head off nooooo we waste anothe few thousand Euro to "safe" the rat so that we are now able to hunt it again. Some of us germans are just so brainless that I sometimes wish I would belong to another country. :/
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team." top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile" |
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" It's the world over, that schizoid treatment of life. We have a fundraiser dog walk around the local lake for the national animal cruelty prevention society which at the end of there is a BBQ serving factory farmed meat sausages. The more radical animal rights groups protest at the event and people generally don't listen because nobody likes a preachy lecture, right? Seriously, nobody. Besides those factory farmed animals are treated humanely, in the best sense of that ridiculous word, so it's all good. The animals don't speak up about anything, do they? That last was a tad sarcastic, of course they speak we just don't hear it generally because it's conveniently not sentences and that's the only kosher form of communication in slaughterhouse, "say, this is terrifying and I quite like living might unhooking me old chap?", but the preachy bit wasn't sarcastic. People point fingers at cruelty while engaging in it. My god, we in the west love to point fingers at other countries and chow down on our miserable bacon and read our pop psychology articles that some driven insane monkeys died to create and feel all outraged about places which can't afford to make commercial killing of animals sanitised and acceptable. I don't mean "cultural" slaughter like the Faroe Islands, I mean commercial. To some extent, it's unavoidable, the killing as pests are pests, as is being a part of the whole great chain of exploitation, all animals from a king to kids in factories to introduced deer and pandas in zoos has a cost and a benefit nothing to do with its value as a living being or its capacity to feel and experience the world. That's how the world is - so much is interconnected across continents, but the worst hypocrisy surely deserves notice. This is one reason why wilderness is important, untouched and free. Yes, a lot of it is managed, but still. Outside that great mass of commercial compromise and cruelty, where some lucky few get a relatively good and safe run, but still must be useful somehow. This is why kindness counts, too, however small, because this stuff deadens the spirit. Like kids and firemen rescuing a fat rat. We connect with our compassion and something larger for a moment whatever you might want to call it, spirit, existence, life, love, for a moment when we are kind to another living being, and there's so little of that in our lives, often. I don't mean in some weird hippy way, either. Not going to post links to studies of well-being and animals, but yeah. The kids got involved and the rat became a lucky rat, like a Hong Kong mansion Pomeranian that will think Yulin is a kind of chew toy, perhaps. Of course not, a dog's a dog, but you might get my drift. I don't think it's a bad thing that the rat got lucky; I'm glad sadistic people or a person didn't find her because she would have been cruelly treated. Also, it prompts people to think, maybe for a second, about this stuff. Or, not. Feel good news story, was cute. I hope they flew her over to New York to meet Pizza Rat, if he's still alive and kicking it. Really, I get that was all probably a bit preachy in itself. Not intended, more a "hey, yeah, this". I'm not trying to convert anyone to anything; we each have our own set of decisions to make on this stuff and where we draw our lines. Last edited by erdelyii#5604 on Mar 14, 2019, 5:18:48 AM
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" Many years ago my wife and I were doing some work in the yard. I moved some boards and found a nest of mice full of cute adorable little pink mice babies that still had their eyes closed. I immediately grabbed the shovel and chopped them all to pieces. When I looked up the look on my wife's face was one of pure shock and horror. When I saw that rat in the manhole cover I thought, good thing I wasn't there. I would have probably stomped on it. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" You didn't think they were cute adorable little pink baby mice at all. Despatching them made sense to you. No clue about what story that says about your relationship, and no interest in finding out there mate. Stomping fat rat is nothing to what some would have done. Like I said, we all have our own lines we draw with this stuff. Last edited by erdelyii#5604 on Mar 15, 2019, 2:54:55 AM
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