Selling best ele bow in HC

3 ele dmg rolls
+ global crit multi
+cold res
+12% ias

Last edited by Nithryok#2577 on Mar 6, 2013, 12:47:13 PM
seen better for cheaper
papabehr wrote:
seen better for cheaper

I haven't. 6 link it and mirror-service this imo.
IGN: Djangosaurus
papabehr wrote:
seen better for cheaper

no offense but i agree... there was a 6L, not just socket, that had all high rolls in all 3 ele res 12%IAS as well... it ended up selling for like 23 exalts only thing this bow has on it is the global crit

but free bump for nice bow
HC:Zensoka Shadow - Wander
Don't understand why ppl make week long sales or dont state prices, if u want a specific price make a starting bid u moron
If you found this offensive then you too are a moron
lol at buyout :D

5 exalted as offer
Shitlist = "slamdancer"
was this sold? and if yes you got the 60exalts?:O
if you sold this for 60 exalteds than youre my hero.

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