Steam vs Client for league start ?

Hey guys!

Im running poe through steam and sometimes it takes for ever to apply changes/updates. Read, that the client works much faster, while having a lower download speed.

First time I'm able to play a new league from the beginning...
Which way is better/faster for friday evening ?

(Hope it's possible to skip the que by using ssd/good internet)
Last bumped on Dec 3, 2018, 7:06:12 PM
client always
my english sux.
Not a big deal either way, I lean towards the client though
I dont see any any key!
client all day
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
I like steam, because I just leave it on and it auto-patches so that when I get home I don't have to do anything... it's just patched.
Used to go Client, but Steam just makes it easier to not deal with my Desktop icons ever again. Plus, auto-patching and auto sign-in means less to deal with again.
Always choose the standalone client. It patches a whole lot faster than Steam. You really don't want to sit and wait for Steam to update the whole 13 GB game after every patch. Not to mention that Steam can have its own downtime.
GGG has been pretty good with having steam patch early enough that there aren't any real advantages over standalone client other than the off chance steam itself is down.

The upside of steam is that you not only log your hours, but all your steam friends wonder WTF PoE is and why you play it so much.
What kind of time difference are we talking about here? Like 20 min for the client and 30 min for steam? Or like multiple hours and hours fo steam?
junyamint wrote:
What kind of time difference are we talking about here? Like 20 min for the client and 30 min for steam? Or like multiple hours and hours fo steam?

It depends on your internet speed. But usually it's the difference between a 12 GB download and a 300 MB one.

GGG has been pretty good with having steam patch early enough that there aren't any real advantages over standalone client other than the off chance steam itself is down.

The download usually becomes available just 1-2 minutes before the servers open (except major patches such as league starters). With the standalone client you are done patching in 30 sec. Steam often takes a few minutes, and that's with high speed internet.
Last edited by Kelvynn on Dec 3, 2018, 7:07:00 PM

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