[3.4] Meme build idea - Reflect Duelist

Do not take this build seriously. I don't know if it'll even be able to do low-tier mapping. The only reason I'm making a post out of this is to make a log of sorts and see where it goes. Also because I forget stuff easily and I can keep it all right here.

Now, with that said, let's get into the idea/theory behind this build: block and reflect, tank as much as possible and let the enemies hurt themselves in the process. How will we accomplish this? With a few uniques:

Wall of Brambles
Advancing Fotress
Thousand Teeth Temu
The Anvil

I'm debating on adding a few others as well, but might hold off on that for the sake of getting resistances capped:

Crown of the Pale King
Empire's Grasp

Path of Building skill tree, subject to change.

Leveling so far:
Act 1:
Using Blood Thorn, Gnarled Branch, Goldrim, and bramblejack. Rather painless so far. Though my dodge is too high. That'll be fixed soon.

Act 2:

Act 3:

Act 4:

Act 5:

Act 6:

Act 7:

Act 8:

Act 9:

Act 10:
Last edited by Dragonkkealk#0516 on Nov 29, 2018, 11:33:18 AM
Last bumped on Nov 29, 2018, 1:17:49 PM
CaptainWARLORD wrote:
Won't work. You are not the first to try this.

I personally had every highest Reflect mod on every item I could find and it still couldn't kill Normal Izaro in less than 10 minutes.

The simple reason: you can only scale Reflect on the receiving end. You have no direct influence on it.

Now, while I'm inclined to believe you, I'm still going to do it on the fact that I'm bored and the next league doesn't start for a few days.

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