Bring back Race Seasons

Medallion Race Season was the last Race Season which ran 23 July 2016 to 19 August 2016 (NZT).

That was two years and three months ago. It's fair to say GGG that you've really let racers down by abandoning Race Seasons.

We don't need anything new or fancy. Use the same alt art, don't waste resources making any new ones. Please just bring back Race Seasons ASAP!

IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - • Discord: deefa#3298
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 11:10:01 PM
here for boost. wish they would have another season sometime soon. I'd even be happy with just concurrent races with no prizes just to have something to jump into. I understand that it probably wont happen as the extra server space would be better used elsewhere but I cant help but hope something comes around other then the SSF thats happening.
Same here. Really miss racing seasons. It was pretty unique experience for any mmo games, and racing seasons STILL mentioned in steam description of the game. Hope to see seasons back soon.
I agree, i only got to play in one race season ever and i was bad, but it was pretty fun and i would definitely love seeing them again
Races, Races, We need Races! Continual race seasons! What happened to the best way to play this game?
I hadn't played in years, but I was pretty disappointed to see there weren't races anymore.

I don't need a full season or even rewards. It was almost too overwhelming to suggest I had to play in all or 10+ of them anyway if I wanted a mediocre unique from it.

Just do some 1-3 hour solo or group races and see how many people try it just to get on the leaderboard. Just call them practice so no one expects things from it
Theres so much they could do, but they choose not to. The tencent $$$ lords demand all.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Gimme those race back! This game is full casual cmon you guys dropped the balls so low on this one.

Yea I know China have them, with real prizes.

Cmon give us races!
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Jan 15, 2019, 1:31:52 PM
Wait when you say Races? You mean like actually racing your character's sorry I am new, to PoE I only have 300+hrs but thats just from playing & having fun nothing crazy like perfecting builds or pvp builds so ya, I truly am new not trolling.
Yea, back in the day there used to be 'races' setup at specific times of the day where people would all login to try to reach the highest level in a specified amount of time...or be the quickest to kill a boss. They were super fun!

I haven't played in a long while, but would come back for some PoE classic races based on the systems we worked with around 2012-ish.

Hope you all have a great day!

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