3.3 Casual Gladiator / Lacerate currency farm / VERY cheap

Hello folks!

This guide is still under construction. The core things are done, but there's plenty of highlighting, more details and stuff to add. I'll update whenever I got some sparetime

Welcome to my very first build so be generous, please. This build is made for casuals, by a semi-casual! This is still being tested to see how far I can take it, but as of writing this, I am still face-tanking T9 map bosses. I'm just taking it easy. I see myself as a very casual player and I generally don't play other builds than the ones I make myself. Some are gimmicky and won't work while others feel god-like (at least to me).

I do not use Path of Building either, I'm a trial-and-error kinda guy.


I made this build during the 3.3 Incursion patch and I love the new range of lacerate.
This is a very versatile build. You can almost run any buff or skill you want, but I prefer
lacerate. I'll explain in details further below.
There's 2 versions you can do of this build.


The Bringer of Rain - is probably the cheapest version with LOTS of damage potential.

Cherrubim's Maleficence - is the one I'm running right now and have 100k+ DPS. This can be done with a 5-link too, I was just ridiculously lucky while writing this guide to roll it 6-link!

A 5-link chest is necessary except if you get The Bringer of Rain. But this won't be needed before at least level 50+. This is a very noob friendly build but with room for much power and survival if some pro refined it!

Personal note: I was insanely lucky to get this chest 6-linked within 20 fusings while writing this guide, lol.
5-links is all that's NEEDED.


Pros and Cons

-> 100k+ DPS! Nice and stable
-> Optional Vaal Pact and still good survival without!
-> Medium Health Pool of 4k+ --> Room for improvements
-> Freeze-immune, Ignite-immune, fast stun recovery
-> +75% melee- AND spell block and +40% evasion chance!
-> Fortify + Approximately 40-60% physical reduction or more!
-> All resistances capped! (except chaos)
-> Decent Increase Rarity of Items - 120% or more!
-> Oh my.. So cheap!

The early game, Level 1-65
Up until about level 65 it won't matter much which kind of gear you use. I used Lacerate all the way and slammed it into a 4link until I got Bringer of Rain.

There is a few items I think is very good to get to speed up leveling and will stick with you until you have enough currency for the bigger upgrades. For weapons you can only use Swords and Axes if you want to use Lacerate

Items to get while leveling

Carnage Heart
This is a god-like item to level with as a melee and you will use this until at least level 69. Get it with as much attribute stats and resistances as possible.

Le Heup of All
Get 1 of these with as high % damage and all resistance as possible. If too expensive, just get 2 of them with lower numbers for now.

You can usually get Sundance cheap which can be upgraded to Sunspite later. Sundance can be used from level 27

When you're getting in the level 50-60 range you might feel you're damage is lacking. If you don't have any decent weapons by now I'd advice to invest in 2 weapons I used for quite some time.

Weapons worth noting in the lvl 50-60 range

- Usually an insanely cheap weapon. Roll those sockets into some reds for maximum damage!

- Put it in you're off-hand for block chance! Also usually insanely cheap.

By level 50, your passive tree should look something like the link below.

Get to the meat of it all
Once you get to the end of the level 60s we get to the meat of the build.


This is my opinion on the best flask setup for this build.

Remove bleed on HP pot works good for removing corrupted blood stacks on maps. 100% increased recovery on low HP is pretty sweet.

Diamond Flask:
Curse immunity is very important on a buff-flask. This flask gives amazing DPS in itself.

Rumi's Concoction:
Makes you facetank ANY boss I've faced so far.

Atziri's Promise:
Amazing damage booster and decent boost to life leech.

Quicksilver Flask with +29% move-speed and 39% increased duration is completely optional and you could take a Sulphur Flask like the one linked below instead.


There's 2 ways of going about this build. Either you go Bringer of Rain and say no to chest armor in favor of a 7-link headpiece, or you go Cherrubim's Maleficence, 5-link it and get Rat's Nest or Starkonja's.
More details below on both

Bringer of Rain!
This section will cover how I play a Bringer of Rain build with Lacerate.

The Bringer of Rain
You'll need to 4-link this headpiece for it to even be worth considering. A 4-link can usually be gotten within 10 fusings.
You need the color combo of: 1 Green, 1 blue and 2 reds.
Green = Lacerate
Blue = Increased Area of Effect Support (this is a MUST)
Red = Fortify Support and Ruthless Support

I choose Ruthless partly for the stun duration which is a nice help of survival! It also adds a punch to those lacerations!

For boots I am using Sunspite which is an upgraded version of Sundance. It's very easy to get. I mostly use these due to 10% attack speed and Rarity-find. The ignite for Life regeneration made me try to drop Vaal Pact, and it's quite funny!

Here we BOOST Riposte to the max. We're gonna need 2 Green and 2 red sockets.

Greens = Riposte and Culling Strike Support.
Reds = Melee Physical Damage Support and Melee Splash Support (Switch one for Herald of Ash if you can't find a place for it)

Through ascensions counter attacks do Double Damage, so this skill will one-shot anything and everything standing close to you when it goes off.


Here's some cool alternatives if you care less for the extra rarity-find.

Windscream for resistances and an extra curse.

Bubonic Trail for more HP, raw damage and explosive walking!

Gang's Momentum, again to keep fire resistance up and add some sweet raw damage to ignited enemys.

There's a ton of different gloves that would go well with this build, but this is my choice.

Shaper's Touch can be a tad tricky to get in the color combo you would like as it is always corrupted. Make sure to double check you buy the colors you will need
In these I have:
2 reds = Ancestral Protector + Melee Physical Support
1 blue = Physical to Lightning Support
1 green= Faster Attack Support

I've seen this ol' totem pound out more than 100k DPS alone. It's NOT to be underestimated. This totem is what helps kill bosses and clear incursions fast!

Veruso's Battering Rams
I'm currently testing these out. The immunity to shock is pretty nice and the damage from endurance charges, but this build only has 3 of those anyway. 12% more physical damage is just not enough to justify over almost 30% from 300 dex and Shaper's Touch. Also, switching between these I have 200 less HP with Veruso's.

Cherrubim's Maleficence

For Gloves and Boots please refer to the section right above this one. I use the same as in the Bringer of Rain setup

Cherrubim's Maleicence completely erases the need for using Vaal Pact and the Amulet called "Carnage Heart". Vaal Pact is still EXTREMELY nice with this chest armor but it does the job in itself too.
Go for 5-linking this as soon as you can
For sockets we're gonna need:
2 reds = Fortify Support + Melee Physcal Damage Support
2 greens = Lacerate + Faster Attack Support
1 blue = Area of Effect Support

If you get it 6-linked I'd add a red socket with Ruthless Support


For head piece I find a LOT of pieces noteworthy, but I'll only mention 2.

Rat's Nest is the one I'm currently using and it gives you all the good stuff. Crit chance, movespeed, attack speed and Rarity-find. What's not to love?

Sockets goes:
1 red = Vengeance for even more counter attack.
1 green= Arctic Armor for when pushing out of your comfort zone.
2 blues= Physical to Lightning Support + Inreased Area of Effect Support.

Starkonja's Head is a slightly better item for survival but it lacks Increase to rarirty find.


All of these pretty much fit into both builds.


Cyclopean Coil
There's just something I love about this belt. With the passives and items in this build it will be optimized for immunity to Ignite and Freezing. Ignite-immunity is optional with 1 passive-point change if you want to use Sunspite's life-regen. You just remove 1 point in the passive tree granting 30 strength and you can be ignited again.

Doryanni's Invitation
Get this if you lack resistances! It gives you every single stat this build relies upon, so if you haven't invested enough points in resistance yet, this is very much worth it to look into.

There's 4 different versions of this item with the same name, be sure to get the one with physical damage increase!

Belt of the Deciever
This is a good cheap alternative to both of above.

You will start of using the same Amulet pretty much the whole game until you reach the End-game

Carnage Heart
Epic amulet. Make sure to get one with some good attribute and all resistance rolls!

I think this is a REALLY cool amulet. Once you get Cherrubim's, you have enough leech to switch out Carnage Heart with this beauty. Again make sure to get one that reduces mana reservation for Vulnerability.
This effectively enables us to have 1 additional buff on as we use Blasphemy for Vulnerability.


Le Heup of All
It's low level. It's got good stats. If you can find one rolled good. Just get 1 or 2 of these and use them all the way. I still use this one.

Death Rush
Available at level 46. This pretty much also gives you all the good stuff to get the juices flowing. Also basically permanent onslaught which grants 25% attack speed and movement speed. This makes clearing fast.

YES! I LOVE THIS ITEM! Sorry.. It's a really gimmicky item that usually rolls bad stuff. If you can get one for currency farming OR just if you need a bunch of resistances, it's worth it. I never take mine off.

Ming's Heart
You could use Ming's Heart instead of spending a bunch of Chaos Orbs on Ventors Gamble. It undoubtely gives more DPS than Ventors if you don't mind the max-life penalty. Find one with as close to 5% as possible!

I'll just start off showing the 2 dream weapons. These are your End-game dream weapons if you don't know how to craft your own. I've yet to dive fully into crafting myself, so these are what I consider the best weapons for the build.

This build gets most it's damage from high physical damage weapons

As always; You are free to explore around with weapons as you see fit yourself.

Rigwald's Command - This can usually be found at about 25 chaos orbs.
It's not terribly expensive given the great synergy with axes and 10% block chance.
Sockets are:
2 red = Herald of Ash + Vulnerability
1 blue = Blasphemy

Rigwald's Savagery - This item can be VERY expensive to get. I was lucky to get it for 1 exalted orb and 20 chaos.
But I love how it Synergises SO well with swords. I will list a few alternatives until you can get the currency build up.
Sockets are:
2 Green = Hatred + Faster Attack Support
1 Red = Leap Slam

I got leap slam on faster attacks to be able to fly around boss rooms, dodging stuff instantly.

Cheap Alternatives

Although not an axe, it does provide with some nice stats in either main or offhand along with a decent base damage.

An interesting weapon as you will be able to use Vulnerability + Blaspemy, Hatred, Herald of Ash AND Arctic Armor, respectively conserving 100% of your mana pool and STILL use your abilitys.

Apart from those just look around on wikipedia for weapons to try out if you're not satisfied with your damage. Remember Only Swords and Axes work with Lacerate

Passives & Ascendancy


The Early Game
I'll try to explain stuff as shortly and precisely as possible in this section.
I've already provided 1-65 skill tree link in the beginning of this guide so we will continue that section here.

-Approximate skill tree by level 60

Once your skill tree looks like the one linked, we will make the last stretch needed for some nice damage and block rings. Start filling out points based on what you need.

-If you have low resistances, you should fill out some of those. Look for "Sentinel", you should have this by now and pick resistances, upwards from that.

-If you still have less than 2k Life, you should increase that. Grow the right hand path further and get the HP there. Also look for "Constitution" and grab all the HP rings there.

-If you feel you're actually just rocking it all, we will continue to branch out for the last bit and filling out that sweet DPS.

Further down the line
Now we're getting somewhere. With this setup you are starting to be very well rounded in damage and survival.

All along Vaal Pact is an optional 1-point to get or respec away again. I've used it sometimes, but taken it off again.

If you get the Belt called "Cyclopean Coil" you can surpass you're DEX with 1 point in Beef, making you ignite Immune.

Do NOT use "Iron Reflexes" with this build, you miss out on great evasion numbers!

The Final Build in level 91

I am personally a sucker for Jewels and love to have a few in my build. These are completely optional and you probably can spend those 3 passive points better elsewhere.

-Note that I filled out the 1 point in the beginning of the skill tree named "Armour, Evasion and Life".

-Completely finish the right hand path.
-Complete the left hand path.
-Note the 5% life node in the bottom next to Golem's Blood.

This is a pretty short section. This is how I did it.

First 2 points, I went for Outmatch and Outlast

Next 2 points, I went for Painforged

Next 2 again, I went for Versatile Combatant (this gives sick survival, maybe just rush this)

Last 2 points, I went Violent Retaliation. Infinite block chance, more or less.

Bandit Camps

I don't really have too much to say about which Bandit camp you pick.

If you are new to the game I'll advice to help Alira as she will give some nice mana regen for early on and permanently 15% to all elemental resistances. This helps out lategame.

If you're confident in getting resistances and stuff, definitely help Oak to get 20% more physcal damage and some more Life-regeneration
If in total doubt, KILL THEM ALL! Get more Passive Points and get the build done faster.

I hope you enjoyed my guide! I am open to constructive criticism and if I am missing something, please let me know!
I've spend hours making this guide and even more making this build, so I hope some of you find it useful. Otherwise, I probably won't spend this much time writing a guide again, hahaha!

Once again, I'm still working on some things on the guide, lots of highlighting and more in-depth stuff, but I'll get there.

Enjoy and Best of Luck out there!
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2018, 5:01:56 PM

first of all: thx for all the work you put into it (especially considering that you popped your build-sharing-cherry with this). Kinda sad noone answered so far... but don't let it discourage you, i am sure still some ppl got inspired / had a good read and were just too lazy too answer.

I'd be super happy, if you could either make your poe profile public - as i wanted to import your char (i guess "Derigatory") into PoB to save some time, OR maybe you install PoB, do it yourself and post the pastebin. honestly i do recommend installing PoB anyways as it is so much more sophisticated than the ingame dps and is incredibly useful measuring potential item upgrades with your current gear + tree + usual buffs. for example if you are thinking about buying a fairly pricey upgrade -> you just craft it virtually in PoB in 2min to realize that the effect might be way lower than expected... or vice versa. i am by no means more than a casual myself (first time t14+ maps) but don't ever want to miss it again - just a hint of mine...

ontop of that some questions/ideas:
vaal pact (ehem, pob will tell^^) should most likely double your leech regardless of the "cherrebubims" chest - and maybe your are even already at your max leechrate/s so it might not add any benefit at all. for example i just got curious and checked if my next char draft would benefit from it and i realized that i am already at the leechrate cap. if it turns out to be the same for your char you could consider a loreweaver, belly,... or even a rare (fancy elder or shaperino mod maybe^^).

about your tree - as you seem to go crit i wondered if maybe another path might provide more crit chance, multi and accuracy. At the cost of some resistances, armor and sadly 1 jewel... maybe take a look... (in pob it has no respec cost, haha^^)

and i would maybe go for less unique items (especially boots / gloves / belt) if the benefits are not BIG as spiked gloves with AS, life and some res should already be pretty good (rustic stash / eva or armor boots) and you have to compensate less on the life/res side.

[edit: and rings. haha. so much good stuff to roll on rings beside resistances and life. flat phys dmg, crit, ...)]

just my thoughts on it. actually i wanted to go 2h slayer (overleech... uhhh) lacerate next league but maybe this might be cool as well.

thx mate.
Last edited by mrs_choo#0100 on Aug 17, 2018, 4:05:18 PM
ok, just took a 2nd look at the tree i suggested and made some changes (more life, more AS, 1 more jewel (potentially AS, Phys dmg, %life) and i guess that i went a little overboard spending all points available - this time it should be the same amount as yours...


especially with some well rolled (high life + res) rares in the slots that don't require uniques this should be able to reach 5+k life with a belly of the beast.

PS. maybe really give PoB a try and just import your char and mess a little around with the tree... It is so much fun to explore different paths / flasks / buffs... or even gear. (:

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