[Advice] Leap slam, to frog or not to frog.

After experiencing the horrible mobility skills of a witch, I looked into creating a build that revolved completely around a mobility skill.

Therefore, I have been theorizing about a leap slam build, but started questioning its viability.
Below, I added a link to the passive tree + potential gear I had in mind.
I am aware it is somewhat incomplete, in terms of skill gems in gear etc, but this is the baseline and want to know whether it will be viable enough.

DO NOTE: This build is designed for T8 speedrunning, not progression content.

Any advice or thoughts or improvements are highly appreciated, thanks in advance!


Basically, the thought is a high base damage, non-crit, speedrun set-up immune to all mods.
Starforge for pure physical damage (no elemental reflect), slayer ascendancy for immunity to physical reflect.
Last bumped on Jun 28, 2018, 6:57:19 PM
Greetings exile,
I came to this idea yesterday and I'm leveling a Leaper. I'm on SSF so I'm not sure it'll work.
My idea though is using a lot of bleed coupled with leap Slam & knockback! The idea is to jump into a pack (with haemophilia) and they'll get slightly pushed off to trigger more bleed (moving).

I'll look for jewels with knockback / specc into knockback in duelist area.
If this wont work i'll use Sweep (triggers knockback/movement = bleed dmg) so it'll sorta be Jump & Sweep, Jump>Sweep>Jump>Sweep.

Ideally, I'd want to use Oro's sacrifice or Ngamahu's Axe but none of them has dropped yet, an idea would be to invest a lot into Burning Damage/Ignite and kill packs that way.

I'm just level 53 atm, will let you know how it goes later on.

Best of luck!
So I've come to the conclusion that you should just roll 'Knockback' on every single flask you've got and you're set for clearing!

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