Power Siphon
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Moved from the old thread.
" In game contact @MajorAsshole
Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27 |
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You made it from the most beautiful looking skill to ridiculous looking. It saddens me to see it becoming treated like that, but i guess it's for future MTX purposes. Who would buy an MTX if it is already at max beauty.
Also while you buffed its use for mapping it's still far below Kinetic Blast which is a viable skill without Barrage usage while for Power Siphon it still is a mandatory to stick to a 4 Link and put Barrage to a 6 Link. I still hope that you can fix it's single target viability (and roll back the graphical changes) PN: Haegar_der_Schreckliche
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I got an almost complete character, lvl 90 Deadeye.
I played nothing but Power Siphon all the way through. And I intend to stay Power Siphon I have played tons and tons of wanders over the years and I am glad to see Power Siphon getting some love. I really like how it works now. But it still has some issues. With just a few tweaks this skill will become really good. First and foremost it's inability to shoot uphill. It's borderline unacceptable that it shoots directly into stairs and so on. Makes no sense. And then it's auto target system needs to become even better. It needs to find targets with an even higher accuracy. I suspect it has to be with the distance of your targeting area, which in turn results in a wider spread). Concider scrapping this mechanic for Power Siphon altogether. And then it needs to solve single target better. I propose a system that is somewhat like Arc's. Keep the maximum projectiles. But only shoot projectiles if there is an enemy. The less projectiles it shoot the higher the effectiveness gets. This means that if here is only one enemy the single shot becomes a really powerful projectile. Another solution is to let projectiles that didnt "find" a target initially, be able to curve it's trajectory and hit a target another projectile already targeted. This secondary hit needs to deal a lower amount of damage to compensate. Visuals: The new visuals grew on me quick! But I still miss the old projectile animation. At least release a "Oldschool" visual MTX. Alot of people have deemed Power Siphon, as it was, the prettiest skill in the game. So at least let us have the option to get the old look back. With that being said I can't wait to see what MTX ideas you can come up with. *Hoping for a pink + dark purple one* |
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This season I've made a very successful character with dual Poet's Pen Power Siphon + Arc. Fully auto-targeting and has semi offscreen 1 shot ability. For bosses Power Siphon can be changed into Kinetic Blast for better single target. The downside is that such build made me asleep so I finally decided to try other builds...
Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap |
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This skill has too many frills now. While it still lacks in single-target DPS to Barrage and Kinetic Blast, that's not what it's for. This skill should ideally not be given the homing ability, nor the extra projectiles, either, as this isn't meant to be an AoE skill, either, in my book. Instead, it needs to not only gain the power from the Power Charges, which reflects Frenzy's effect nicely, but it needs to use them in an ideal way, which in my opinion would be by possibly being that single-target punch with the heaviest crit effects. This should be the ideal choice to freeze/shock/burn your enemies as heavily as you possibly can, and the base damage is an important part of that. Leave the DPS to the skills that hit 3-4 times or more a shot, like Barrage or Kinetic Blast, and the waveclear can be any of the options listed, a multiple projectiles version of Power Siphon or any of the other Wand abilities.
My opinion, Culling Strike should go as well. It's still a support to use if you want reliable wand kills, but you should have the opportunity to skip that frill at the benefit of getting higher potential hits, probably from even higher base damage. My ideal version of Power Siphon would be just like the old one, but drop the Culling Strike for the Power Charge synergy. It also might not hurt to boost the damage even a bit more, because it's only like a 10% damage increase over the main hit of other skills that are meant to have power outside the main hit, like Kinetic Blast. |
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I've played the skill to lvl 99 in Delve SC.
I think its fine - the damage is good enough, it handled guardians/shaper fine. The only change this skill needed is the elevation targeting - its pretty annoying to not be able to hit mobs slightly elevated up from your position when Kinetic Blast can do it fine.. |
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I came up with a really cool way to change Power Siphon which would enable single target as well as AoE.
Instead of giving it additional projectiles as it levels give it additional chains. And let it deal more damage for each remaining chain (like Arc). This way we can support it with gmp for aoe. And it can deal nice chunks of damage for single target. I feel like it's a simple and elegant solution that let's you attack bosses from a far instead of being forced to look at another skill. Yes I am looking at you Barrage, +projectiles and Point Blank on tree. And by that being forced into melee range when you play a ranged build. Thanks for reading |
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Hello Everyone!
EE and Power Siphon question I am playing a Spectre build and I'd like to use PS to proc EE. Avatar of fire seems like one way to go. However, I have added cold damage on my weapon I use and I also have added fire damage on my ring. So my PS damage looks like this: xy physical, xy cold, xy fire At it's current form, can I leave it that way to proc EE or do I need Avatar of fire no matter what? |
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" You forgot to mention what type of dmg your spectres do... im assuming its a mix of lightning and cold if you're considering avatar of fire. If it's just lightning it doesn't matter since your current power siphon will cause +25 cold and fire, and -50 lightning resist. |
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