Help me with my gear! (Endgame stuff)

So, I recently got to mapping, and I have really no problems doing them, but I find my DPS lacking quite abit compared to others.
Should I be worried?
Is my gear subpar?


Currently at around 5200~ hp with 80 allres, -60 chaos.
Around 500~ listed dps with 3x frenzy charges on LA.
your defensive looks great but dps very low
Anuthutantrum wrote:
your defensive looks great but dps very low

Yeah, I mean 80 allres, 5250~ life, 7000 armor or so. I take almost 0 damage, but I also deal very low dps.
I could get some life / lightningdamage rings I guess.
Also looking for a 120+ health belt with elemental damage.
Why you using quality LA on your totem when you using non quality that is chained with LMP+Chain+Life on hit ???
Hassemannen wrote:
Anuthutantrum wrote:
your defensive looks great but dps very low

Yeah, I mean 80 allres, 5250~ life, 7000 armor or so. I take almost 0 damage, but I also deal very low dps.
I could get some life / lightningdamage rings I guess.
Also looking for a 120+ health belt with elemental damage.

I'm in the same boat; very similar in stats. I've been adding to my damage with rings and an amulet, but it's not giving me the 1000+ DPS that others claim to have and rock face with.

I don't die, but I don't dish out much death either.
Kidjica wrote:
Why you using quality LA on your totem when you using non quality that is chained with LMP+Chain+Life on hit ???

Because I am leveling it, and that was the only free greensocket I had :P

I will use it when it gets higher ofcourse.

I recently got a belt with 25% eledmg, 120health and dualres, increased my dps by like...20, lol.

I am getting two rings with 40~ lightdmg and Ill see what dps I reach, but the 1000+ dps that many claim is probably out of reach. No idea how to get that high damage without sacrificing alot of life.

Although, when I get to like level 80+, I will probably increase it alot, since I am just now (73) done with all lifenodes. Next 10 levels are like +50% eledmg, +60dex etc.
my ranger is using a 4link, but swapping out life on hit for elemental damage puts me at 800ish (chain, lmp) and my gear, or at least the bow isn't nearly as good - so i'm thinking it's got to do with your skill tree more than your gear
+ele dmg with weapon nodes (i just saw that you're about to get these, they are *huge*)
inner force
iron grip (not a huge deal unless you've got a high physical dmg bow and high strength)

oh and your curses seem... weird to me. projectile weakness AND conductivity? seems quite redundant to me. consider elemental weakness(depending on what type of damage you deal it might be better for you, and it's probably better for your party members too), i also think enfeeble is a lot better than temp. chains, against monsters anyway
Your gear looks pretty solid (except maybe replace Astramentis, grab a belt with ele dmg). Can you post your tree?
I'll link my tree!
Firstly, upgraded my belt to this:

Also, for curses, I use conductivity for aoe-ing mobs with LA, Projectile Weakness for bosses when I use bear trap (It works).

My tree:
Last edited by Hassemannen#0709 on Mar 2, 2013, 8:46:29 PM
You forgot to link your gloves. I'm guessing you're also using Auras like Wrath and Anger? You can easily get 30% weapon ele damage from your tree, also 6% increased attack speed from ranger start if you want. If you're having trouble keeping up with the Int requirement of Wrath you can always take the 30 Int node, Inner Force is also great for buffing dps.

Alternatively you can try switching out Chain for Faster Attacks or LMP for Faster Attacks depending on your preferencs, your dps should rise considerably (or get a 6L and link Faster Attacks to it).

I played around a bit with your tree, this is just a suggestion. It costs you 2 more points and you lose 30% fire res but you'd gain 30 strenght, 15% ias and easy availability of Unwavering Stance and Resolute Technique should you feel that you need to take them.

Also, if you want to level gems that you don't plan on actively using for a while you can always put them into second slot weapons, you don't even need to switch to them, they'll level automatically.
IGN: LittleWife
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