Viper Strike Build Feedback

I recently made a Poison Viper Strike Build and wanted to do Reave for AoE, but actually I preferred the Viper Strike as AoE clear and would need improvement suggestions!

So I made a PoB build how it would be optimized.
If someone could give me a short feedback, it would be appreciated, it should be a endgame template, so 6L, Fenumus Toxin and Lycosidae should actually be achieveable.

Side Note: for single target swap Ancestral Call with Melee Phys. Should achieve decent single target with Wither Totem.

PoB Planned Character:

Current Character (is/was in testing phase, so still Trickster)IGN - poisincer:
Last edited by Eskalimur on May 8, 2018, 5:11:30 AM
Last bumped on May 8, 2018, 5:11:02 AM

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