[3.2][OCC] Sanzai's Low Life RF/SR Dual(Tri)-Curse Occultist
BEFORE WE START: Third curse is coming from Witchfire Brew, as I'm not sure how this interacts when you have 2 blasphemy curses up I went with the +1 curse node. Would be great help if I could get some information regarding this so I might be able to spend the SP there elsewhere.
So hello. I've been a big fan of Witch, mainly Occultist, ever since I've started playing but never really got around to playing one as the ascendancy was quite underwhelming. Good thing 3.2 came around and gave us some sweet buffs. This will be a short post for now and it'll undergo some heavy changes once my character is funded well enough to actually try the build out with the intended gear. I'll post the PoB down below and will add a video with currently equipped gear on top. Path of Building:
My loot filter is very loud, I advice you lower the volume. Just a shadowplay recording from one of the runs I've been spamming at Blood Aquaducts. Just to give you an idea of the ES drain when using Zealoth's while undergeared and without proper gem setup. Skill tree belonging to this video: http://poeurl.com/bOlx Current Gear:
Anything necesarry for the build if you can afford a shav's and the other semi-pricey items can be found in the PoB, gem links etc are set up there as well. I will add these and any remaining notes into the guide after I'm certain of the capabilities, meaning after I either get a shaper kill done, or am confident enough to claim it can kill shaper. I'm still experimenting with the gem setup in the boots on PoB but I'm fairly sure this is definite. Orb of storms is there to proc Elemental overload, nothing else. Any advice would be welcome as this is all new for me. I'm not too familiar with either RF, SR or Low-Life but after spending plenty time in PoB I think I went the right direction here. Last edited by Sanzaii#2790 on Mar 5, 2018, 3:33:31 PM Last bumped on Apr 25, 2018, 12:06:48 AM
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Reserved for updatelogs!
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How are you supposed to be able to kill Shaper if you only have +89.7 net life regen? Mapping should be fine with the Occultist ascendancy for ES regen but I dont see how this would be able to kill bosses.
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Hey dude trying to level this character right now and having a lot of trouble how did u level it (Its not my first character this league so I have about 5ex to spend on it right now) any suggestions?
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" I levelled it with scorching ray until I got Vile Bastion (cruel lab) and switched to RF for clear and scorching ray (6L tabula) for boss killing. The 1% ES regen per second per enemy killed recently is really the only way to sustain RF, and thus it cant really be used for bosses unless you keep turning it on and off. You would need a ruby flask and ignite removal as well. Honestly if you want to do a lowlife RF then just go guardian since it gives way more ES, regen and defences. Or get more currency so you can buy that 4ex jewel that gives 2.5% ES regen while affected by discipline etc. |
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Why herald of ash? I’ve been running this build and noticed the over kill explosion is procing EE on some mobs and bosses.
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Can u update the Guide please for a proper End game gear?
Maybe update the pob? Because your profile char have no gear On..only a shield. |
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Is this HC viable with only 808 Armour?
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You need the +1 from Malediction AND the +1 from Whispers of Doom to use the Witchfire brew for the 3rd curse. Witchfire does NOT override the normal curse limit, so you are correct in your build.
" Last edited by RatchetMyPlank#4328 on Apr 25, 2018, 12:07:20 AM
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