[3.0] Noncrit Shield charge Slayer - Insane clear with moderate budget

Seeing Mathil doing his crit shield charge I thought about reviewing an old character I had a long time ago, my non crit Shield charger. Back then it was extremely fun due to really good AOE and clearspeed. Since then we had a lot of different nerfs to its aoe, both the gem itself as well as the general aoe change that happened 2.6.

The damage however was significantly buffed since we can now use damage on full life as a slayer even when we're using blood rage which resulted in much better single target. I decided to write this quick guide since when I tested this in various map parties a lot of people were interested in it

- Heals insanely fast, from low HP to max in just about a second or 2
- Insane mobility with shield charge, hard to beat
- High damage
- High HP pool, 6.5k+ is easily achievable
- Alot of hit per seconds, extremely fast attacking
- Physical damage based, therefor resist mobs not being as big of an issue. Got a bit of elemental damage from auras and ToH, but we focus on the physical scaling
- Capable of doing all map mods but physical reflect
- All bosses can be done because of high DPS combined with good surviveability with a bit gem swaps. I wouldn't suggest running shield charge vs the guardians and/or shaper.
- Requires no legacy uniques and viable in the new leagues that are presented
- Relatively cheap compared to other builds, can work with few exalts, and has insane scaling with gear
- Skill diversity, gamestyle is not for you, or bored of the one you're currently using? No problem, alot of different skills work with this build!
- High life without "OP" gear
- Fairly tanky with the slayer leech, fortify, ~7k hp and arctic armour

- Mana issue before you get your mana leech
- Resoulte Technique and therefor no critical hits, however the damage is there crit or not
- For late game(maps concidered lategame) you'll want to have a 6L Chest
- High stacking attackspeed causes desync sometimes
- While being an insane aoe clearer, it's not a top boss killer


Early game
20 points

40 points

Mid game
60 points

80 points

Late game
100 points

End game
115 points

Notes on the tree:
>200% life
7 jewel sockets
decent ammount of res on the tree
focus on getting a lot of attack speed and valuable melee physical damage
sovereignty to be able to run AA, HoA and hatred

Slayer is to prefer, but this could also be used as a berserker and gladiator. For leveling I prefer to go Bane of Legends and Headsman for the speed and damage as it will greatly increase your clearspeed and for merciless/uber lab I go Endless Hunger and Brutal Fervour

- Kill all for 2 passive points


My gear

What to look for

Should be obvious, facebreakers
Abyssus due to its high flat phys
High life, movementspeed and resist
For rings steel rings are obviously the best for this build. In addition if possible you want to roll more increased physical damage as well as life, res and attack speed. Getting int/dex is also a bonus
You can either use a rare belt with hp and resists or any of the really great uniques Meginords or belt of the deciever for its damage, or if you can afford a headhunter for some bonus fun.
Rare shield with life and resist. A good unique option is great old ones ward for its very high flat phys and attack speed as well as a decent life pool.
Here there are many unique options you can use in place of a high life+res rare armour. Yriel's fostering with flat phys is BiS, belly of the beast is also a good choice for its high life, carcass jack provides a decent ammout of life and damage or perfect form as it allows you to unspec sovereignty and either get some life or damage.
Life, area damage, physical damage, damage, melee damage with shields, attack speed with shields,
attackspeed and other mods. A combo of 3 would be really good


Main attack in order of importance
For single target, switch area for concentrated effect


Might add videos later, as of right now i have some issues recording videos!

It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Last edited by Tommie_Sjukskriven#7744 on Oct 6, 2017, 8:47:15 AM
Last bumped on Jun 25, 2018, 6:39:04 AM
Not 100% finished yet!
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
sherkhan wrote:
Mathildiditfirst. Shirtlesspower TM.

Good luck out there.

It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Thanks, was looking for some good budget headhunter builds.
ign: reidan
Reidan wrote:
Thanks, was looking for some good budget headhunter builds.

It's not like headhunter is needed at all though, meginords or a rare is probably better either way for most cases
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Is this build hc viable with abyss?Would be BoR more defensive for this build?
Came across this build and am trying it out in Incursion but I'm looking through and cannot find where you are getting Mana Leech. Is it from ascendancy? Or gear?

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