help me with the races please.

tell me about the races, types of races and others.
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2017, 1:06:48 PM
Im not a pro, but here are some basic tips:

- use some trap or totem to help you kill enemies faster, like fire trap

- use a skill that hits many enemies at once like:

Ranger: split arrow, blast rain
Marauder: ground slam, bladefall
Witch: firestorm

at first, try to focus attack speed, damage and movement speed to help you clear levels faster

- turn a glove into magic item and use orb of alteration to get attack speed. but always check the vendor first, you can get lucky sometimes

- spend some points with attack speed and damage inside your passive skill tree

- always use a quick silver flask to move faster, or try to alter boots and have movement speed

- keep your orb of alchemy for a good weapon. level up you character and wait for the right gear

- Avoid returning to town and dont make side missions. You should return just when your character level up 5 or 6 levels more to buy higher level gear and take rewards from vendors
thanks :)
I have found this post some minutes ago. Its more Pro (and risky) but
I think is the right thing
excuseme, but, no contents in spanish ? :/

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