2.4 Coc Burning Vortex. 1-shot t15 bosses, great clearspeed. Shaper deathless. 11k ES, 5+ mil dps
Welcome to my build guide for all those players thirsty for a viable Cast on Crit build! (work in progress)
T14 Piety ![]() Explanation
this build focuses on double dipping with spell damage to scale hit and ignite damage. With cast on crit providing a substantial % more spell damage we only lose 1 gem link and gain a huge amount of mobility and clear speed. Vortex works well with coc's .5second proc limit since most of our damage comes from ignite, one ignite is enough to kill pretty much everything. The build also scales damage by reducing enemy resists with EE, blasphemy elemental weakness and using vaal lightning trap to shock bosses. pros massive damage scaling good clear speed easy to play high single and aoe damage defensive slow on bosses easy to level cons cant leech with vinktar cant do ele reflect maps struggles vs no regen, immune to status ailments high end gear can be expensive uses Elemental equilibrium(not good for group play) videos
Deathless Shaper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR9JISb8Isw T16 minotaur(long video, gear breakdown, Most recent) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=881EdQ-Lka8 t12 plateau https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lPriduTwzI t15 abyss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLj27IJpJik Gear
I would use Controlled Destruction in the 6th link Current gear
trickser is our ascendency of choice for its no mana cost movement abilities, increased dot and regen, and decent defensive boost from Shade Form. no mana cost is important because vortex's low crit base means we need voidbringers. the build also uses 2 unique rings so there's no room for elreon rings order of skill points ghost dance -> shade form -> patient reaper -> Walk the Either Another option is elementalist (guide here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1758746) or Berzerker passive tree tooltip
with power charges and flame golem http://imgur.com/a/pAQ4y Leveling
I leveled using blade vortex socketed in bitter dream mace and supported with spell echo and crit strikes until i hit lvl 70-75. ilso played hybrid until i got my shavs ring, then switched hp nodes for es. Bandits
resist-attack speed-powercharge leveling gems
21/20 vortex gem is huge for damage so i suggest leveling ~7 vortex gems. i bought mine with ~14% quality and used gcp to boost them to 20% quality when they hit level 20. i also leveled up several copies of discipline and purity of fire(incase i go RF) HC varient
id suggest grace with bloodmagic and using a witchfire brew flask, or use the same setup but use a defensive flask instead of silver flask Last edited by weeprab#1270 on Nov 14, 2016, 6:23:26 PM Last bumped on Apr 24, 2017, 3:00:46 AM
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Build looks great, but I am confused, where does all the damage come from in the videos? You only have conc effect attached to it after cast on crit for bosses (increased area of effect on trash). Is the MORE multiplier from COC and Lowlife with crit multiplier really that much? How much crit multiplier do you have at the moment if you don't mind me asking? Anyways great build mate, cheers!
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" 402% multi + what i get from assassins mark. ignite scales with spell damage on gear, jewels, passive tree, coc gem and lowlife. elemental equilibrium, and ele weakness scale both the hit and ignite by a huge amount aswell. shock from vaal lightning trap also double dips. |
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What's the elemental equilibrium for? Purely for Vaal lightning trap?
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" it penetrates cold and fire when you hit with shield charge. ive tested it many times and its extremely noticeable. |
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" As far as I know, Ignite DoT does not scale with spell damage. Those stats will increase the damage of the initial hit (which creates a bigger ignite DoT), but not ignite itself. It's writen of the WIKI also: " The only skill that has DoT scaling with Spell damage is Vortex, but it happens because it's an exclusive property from the skill, as described on its tooltip. Build looks sick, and I'm really looking forward to do it, since I'm getting bored of my BV Path Finder. Thx for sharing your build! =) Last edited by KaioNS#1125 on Oct 2, 2016, 9:37:36 AM
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nice build man.. looking forward to play once my char is leveled enough be using this i belive since i dont use it for anything at the moment should work great
IGN ARROWUPYOURAZZ Last edited by dragnmith1#2944 on Oct 2, 2016, 11:12:46 AM
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How necessary are the 2 Shav's uniques? I'm leveling a char and I have decent gear prepared but those 2 uniques are currently way out of my budget.
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" i dont think they are necessary until high maps. id suggest buying a cheap 5 or 6 link rare es chest and playing ci until you can afford shavs. take growth and decay cluster on passive tree until you can afford shavs ring. |
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To OP i dont see many people playing this build but i like it..only level 64 at the moment but this is what i got so far still have to level gems n all
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