[3.0] The Necromancer - Spectres, Zombies, Skeletal Mages Multimancer Triple Threshhold Jewels
Your character is pretty safe with Eldritch Battery and Mind over Matter combo with plenty of meat shields and Pantheon. 9 zombies, 4 tanky spectres, 9 Skeletal Mages, animated guardian, stone golem. Can throw in SRS if you feel crazy. As my character stands, has cleared most maps without any trouble in Harbinger. Red tier pending building a red map pool.
Extreme amount of Aoe Burst Damage makes you suffer. You need to be mobile. Core Gear
With 4 spectres, Femurs is still beating out Essence of Fear t7 roll on weapon and has more features. Because you just need to after getting the 3d art. Actually, the only downside is that unholy might is pretty worthless for a elemental heavy build. All the good physical based mobs for spectres don't compare to solar guards in my experience. And you can't go anywhere without Bones. Optional, but highly recommended gear. Now with revamp, I consider them mandatory. If you need more character life, can be skipped to save points.
Unending Hunger jewel fits for thematic reasons and the Spirit Eater obviously helps Spectre damage. Violent Dead jewel second near mandatory one. Minion damage is good, the zombie effects is kind of small versus the rest of your minions though. Dead Reckoning jewel to get skele mages. Skele warriors may be good too if you want to avoid these jewels and just gem the skeles for attacks instead. From Dust For quicker skele summoning. You want it if doing mages for sure. Grip of the Council may be best in slot with high life and resist roll of you can get enough dex elsewhere. Otherwise, Deafening Fear gloves with dex, life and resists may be better. Check GravelyMistaken for current Harbinger gear. All the rares are self found so can do better. Dex is important. Everything Fear crafted would be best for minion boosts but that is something for super rich. Flasks
Something similar or use what fits you. Sulpher flask instead of hybrid maybe to help es regen. Still testing which is more comfortable. Gem Links
Staff - Summon Skeletons - Spell Echo - Greater Multiple Projectiles/Lesser Multiple Projectiles (Still testing what I like) - Minion Damage - Elemental Focus - Pierce/Slower Projectiles/ something for 6l haven't gotten one yet. Vis Mortis (Solar Guards) Raise Spectre - Minion Damage - Spell Echo - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Elemental Focus - Controlled Destruction (6l). You can also do a variety of spectres due to the new acts. Kitava's Heralds, Bone Husks, Sandsworn Slaves, etc etc. I would recommend Leary93's Spectre of the day series to decide if you want something different. Solar Guards seem the best to me though. Hoping Bone husks or something get a boost and instead just go ham on physical damage to get Vis Mortis bonus. Helm - Raise Zombie - Animate Guardian - Minion Life - Stone Golem/Fortify depends on how socket starved you are elsewhere if you can put stone golem elsewhere. Other Links: Desecrate Convocation Flesh Offering Vaal Summon Skeletons Purity of Elements Haste Flame Dash if you can squeeze it in. Passive Tree
I feel that grabbing almost all minion passives is essential for tanky minions because I don't want to resummon even zombies super often. This does unfortunately leave us with fewer points for ourselves but the changes to MoM may have helped. I would consider a build probably finished at about level 90 can again look at my character GravelyMistaken for an idea of the layout. Prioritize your own life, energy shield and minion passives first. Mind over Matter and EB secondary. Zealot's Oath may be necessary, still testing. For Ascendency:
Commander of Darkness in Normal
Mistress of Sacrifice in Cruel Flesh Binder in Merciless Soul Weaver in Uber Pantheon: Ralekesh most of the time for bleed. Makes anti bleed flask unnecessary in normal mapping. Maybe not against some bleed bosses. Not sure about Major Gods. Only tested Lunaris so far and seems to be good. And that is pretty much it for now. Still testing stuff out myself so I will add to this when I can. Is it efficient? Dunno. Do I love how it feels so far? How does 20 Spectre Projectiles and 45 Mage Projectiles sound? Better have Dynamic Resolution on for low end setups :P "It's all clearer now And I hear her now And I'm nearer to The Salvation Code" Last edited by PleiadesBlackstar#6327 on Aug 28, 2017, 6:35:09 AM Last bumped on Aug 28, 2017, 6:35:24 AM
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Firstly, this is exactly the same, minus a few minion life nodes. You did give Angry credit for that, but making an entire guide for 2 changes seems like alot of work.
Second, Femur is subpar because you don't have Victaro's Charity Frenzy Charges. Sure you get 48% minion damage, but a good essence wand will be 27% and you'll still have minions with 45% increased attack speed. Depending on the status of your resistances, 1 hand something along these lines for SRS uptime. |
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" Disses my build for making changes. Wants me to revert those changes and just do the exact same build. Genius. It is a work in progress and I am admitting that it is hard to vary from what others have already done. I decided to make the build guide because it wasn't perfectly aligned with either or builds, not claiming that I am some master theorycrafter. I felt I was at least attempting to make it more differing than anybody other build so I am going to stick to it. The build is meant to use Femurs of the Saints like Miger's. End of story. You want to copy/work off of Angry's go ahead. "It's all clearer now And I hear her now And I'm nearer to The Salvation Code" Last edited by PleiadesBlackstar#6327 on Sep 23, 2016, 8:56:19 AM
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It's a nice build, works really good, if u take the right spectres u can do real much dmg, i take tentacle miscreation in Lunaris Temple 2 , and im so much happy with this build.
Thanks for that work. Saludos desde España =D |
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" It could easily cruise through Red tier maps when you pay attention to certain map mods. Mostly it is just making sure you convocate at the right time. I unfortunately still couldn't find a way to healthily handle essence of suffering in ESC. If essences remain in standard when the next leagues start, suffering vortexes better do reduced damage to minions. I ended up having to switch to a CI occultist ED to be able to to get and it was pretty demoralizing. "It's all clearer now
And I hear her now And I'm nearer to The Salvation Code" |
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im a new player
1. dont get short words/terms like AA/EB/ etc. u mentioned, pls write them out^^! 2. http://poedb.tw/us/mon.php?n=Knitted+Horror (knitted horror has 75 lightning resistance, but 0 cold/fire and chaos resistance) where do you give them 75 cold/fire resistance, and maybe chaosresistance in this build? i've read spectres get the resistance the mob had before dying. also isn't flesh offering better than spirit offering then? do you spam spirit offering every 3-5 seconds, because how do you do that when you already spam SRS, when do you use SRS and WHEN NOT ? 3. is there a trick how to get knitted horrors fast, other than searching them on dried lake area? because sentinels you just take the waypoint to eternal library and spam desecrate 4 times and revive sentinels from the corpses into spectre's. is there something similar for knitted horrors? Last edited by FamousAzzkicker#7712 on Nov 27, 2016, 11:54:07 PM
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" 1) Arctic Armour (skill gem), Eldritch Battery (Skill Tree Node), and Mind Over Matter (another skill tree node). 2) Almost no spectre builds focus heavily on giving spectres more resistances. The spectres are usually either tanky enough to handle being hit with their base resistances, or they stay away from things that hit them hard in the case of Flame Sentinels. Like I addressed above, knitted horrors are tanky but they have the habit of switching to their melee attack rather than the ranged puncture if they are close enough to enemies. I never had bad encounters with horrors except for suffering essences vortex totems. The resists are kind of irrelevant beyond grabbing Commander of darkness and any minion ele resist in the tree since I go for all minion nodes for the most part. 3) Nope, knitted horrors are a pain in the ass to find and get. The other plus for flame sentinels is that not only do you just hop to eternal lab, but in maps you can desecrate and they will randomly show up in desecrate piles even if they aren't in that particular map mob pool. So it is much easier to get higher level flame sentinels. "It's all clearer now And I hear her now And I'm nearer to The Salvation Code" Last edited by PleiadesBlackstar#6327 on Nov 27, 2016, 10:22:40 PM
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hi , thx for replying so fast.
1. so wouldnt sentinels be better then, also im still unsure whether to use SENTINELS, or KNITTED HORRORS 6L. you said you were gonna try chaos damage support / slow projectile / poison support gem as 5th/6th gem, so do you got your conclusion ? 2. also what about faster projectile support, when sentinels for example shoot very fast projectiles wouldn't that be more burst? 3. whats the talent called, that u mentioned -> under "SCION" u would pickup all resistances so you dont have to gamble with items and get a jewel slot. did u mean the resistances above "SENTINEL" including sentinel talent ? 4. do you spam spirit offering every 3-5 seconds or do you spam SRS ? i cant tell when you use what, also desecrate do you just use it for summons or also on mobs? btw because i mentioned the all resist thing, my zombies/spectres die very often in higher tier maps and boss trials like act4 endboss and such. is it a resist thing or more of a missing health thing, that would make sense to get health jewels then. hope you can answer my last questions , i dont know if i asked everything i wanted yet, but i hope u can help me with those too :p Last edited by FamousAzzkicker#7712 on Nov 28, 2016, 12:03:00 AM
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" 1) I unfortunately didn't get my answer as I said in the updates, I pretty much gave up on this character between the vortex totems from the suffering essence being complete minion destroyers in higher maps so I never 6l my Vis Mortis. However, due to my running with ed character, slower projectiles or poison would probably be ideal for knitted horrors over added chaos. Poison would likely be the best option while switching for slower proj for poison immune fights. The other problem is that it is hard to color so many green sockets on an intelligence based chest. Would be worth it when you can afford it though. Since you are new, aim for 6 socket, 5 linked only. It can still do plenty as I was doing tier 13 maps just fine even with horrors on a 5l. But yes, while knitted horrors will work (and I like them more thematically) flame sentinels are just best in show for spectres at the moment. 2) For faster proj, the gem setup that I use for flame sentinels is the same as what bigger build makers like angryaa use and I simply think that particular setup is the strongest you will find. Faster projectiles just doesn't add the same damage my current links do. 3) Yes, sentinel and the 3 resists nodes are what I was pointing to. It would make crafting gear with deafening fear essences easier as resists will be less necessary. But this would be super late levels (90+) that most people wouldn't ever reach without a ton of play time. Much easier to just focus on resists on gear first then forgo the resists for minion effects from fear when the build is pretty finalized. 4) Spirit offering usually only needs to be hit once in a while and spam SRS the rest of the time. Certain fights you do want to be more defensive and the zombies and knitted horrors/flame sentinels do plenty of damage so it is more important to keep yourself and spectres alive by spamming spirit offering and desecrate if bodies run out. 5) Die often as in tougher fights or just every day mobs? If the latter, your gems aren't leveled and their health is probably collectively low. Zombies have 35 all ele resists in merciless and 16% from skill tree and 29% from lvl 19 spirit offering. 70% total ele resist for zombies should allow them to live through typical fights and leech life of what they lose. Level 19 zombies and lvl 19 minion life is all I need to have 14.4k hp zombie tanks. "It's all clearer now
And I hear her now And I'm nearer to The Salvation Code" |
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thx for info, ill just go for fire sentinels then.
also was wondering, you didn't mention BANDITS right? what would you do for normal/cruel/merciless? 1 skillpoint / 1 skillpoint / 1 skillpoint ? because in normal i can decide between 40 base life / 10% all resist / 1 skillpoint (would be 1 jewelslot = more miniondamage and life) i dont know if 40 BASELIFE is a lot, when i have a lot of maximum% life in this build u created, should be right? i chose 40 base life in the beginning as a newb. but now i want the jewelslot, but im unsure whether i should keep the 40 base life, or take the jewelslot or 10% resist instead ? 1. what do you recommend for normal bandit? 40 baselife is probably a nobrainer right with all this +%maxlife 2. what do you actually go for in rare items for mastercrafting and affixes (+maxlife or +manashield/+max manashield%) and what would you aim for HealthPool wise ~Number ? Last edited by FamousAzzkicker#7712 on Nov 29, 2016, 6:01:04 AM
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