[2.3] AlfaPOWA's Machinegun "Lightningdaggers" V1.0-=|500K+ single/aoe|=- Atziri down
![]() V1.0 2016-08-03 - Guide updated with mechanics and critinfo.Some grafics have been added too, video incoming! V0.5 2016-07-31 - Full guide ready for the public, yet missing alot of parts, beta version of guide. Changes will happen! This build is a work in progress, the idea is a reworked version of Liftingnerdbro's "CoC, Quillrain" build. I have permission from nerdbro to write this guide based on he's original build. A warning for the superpoor people This build DOES require some investment to work. You need a quillrain(cheap) You need a volley fire jewel You need to get some elreon jewelry going You need a drillneck(prefer a corrupted version with leech fitting the spell of choice in CoC chain) You need a 6L chest. You need to get a good set of flasks running. Atziri down! ![]() Video section
First maprun for the guide, simple tier 7 map https://youtu.be/lyaMIXbANmM Second maprun for the guide, 31% damagenerf for player tier 8 map https://youtu.be/jvDM7i1U8MY Progress Currently lvl 88 and ripping content appart. Have ran maps tier 13 with no problems yet! Can't do physical reflect maps since EK hits the mobs way faster then Spark does :/ A solution to this could be switching out our increased critical strikes gem with Physical to lightning gem. This would give us alot of leech from EK AND a smaller pool of physical damage taken. If not enough a Blackgleam could also be used to offset the whole physical part.(needs testing) What is this build about? This is a build that focuses on strong single and multitarget damage with EXCELLENT clearspeed. Autocurse thru blasphemy support-inc.aoe-curse of choice How we calculate dps, and assumptions we make! http://latexbruderschaft.wyldside.de/?page_id=368 Fill in all the data in the fields, then multiply by 1,5 for shocked status. Don't forget the extra 54% damage! This is sheet dps. And when i take down rares etc. they are often dead about the same time the pack is, because of how the projectiles spread thru the mobpacks. Spoiler contains detailed information of the dps calculations.
First we calculate dps with 6 powercharges up, we fill in the total combined spelldamage and critchance/multiplier of both spells. EK uses 1 projectile, while we use 2 for spark(if you corner a boss it will take 3-5 projectiles from spark). I have also lowered the accuracy to 85% to make the calculation valid vs. higher lvled mobs.
Update 2016-08-12! Apparently the extra projectiles added from volley can't hit the same mob as the 4 initial projectiles. This mean that the singletarget dps calulations are inaccurate.(the AOE dps is still true thou) With a +2 projectile enchant on helmet we reach 6 initial projectiles and therefore we take the final dps(582K/8*6=436,5K Add in shocked and curse stats now(not appliable for bosses) 436,5*1,5*1,54=1008K! This is over 1 million dps! Current stats as of 2016-08-05 (19spark, 20EK) Barrage - 5,18 speed, 8 projectiles, 93,36% critchance, 85%accuracy, CoC(68% triggerchance) = 19,01 casts/sec. Spell 1(EK) - 2283-3658 damage, 92% critchance, 396% multiplier, 1 projectile = 210K dps Spell 2(spark) - 412-4851 damage, 92% critchance, 396% multiplier, 2 projectiles = 372K dps Total dps = 582K singletarget, somewhat more on multi(can't get past 20 triggers/sec, but projectiles pierce by 100% and hits ALOT of mobs with one cast) These stats are absolete now, new stats above!The following stats are as of 2016-08-04, with lvl 19spark and 19 EK. HoI and HoT up. Barrage - 5,18 speed, 8 projectiles, 91,87% critchance, 85%accuracy, CoC(68% triggerchance) = 18,7 casts/sec. Spell 1(EK) - 1901-2999 damage, 90% critchance, 372% multiplier, 1 projectile = 158K dps Spell 2(spark) - 348-4692 damage, 90% critchance, 372% multiplier, 2 projectiles = 325K dps Total dps = 483K singletarget, somewhat more on multi(can't get past 20 triggers/sec, but projectiles pierce by 100% and hits ALOT of mobs with one cast) The following stats are as of 2016-08-04, with lvl 19spark and 20 EK. HoI and HoT up and atziri flask(vs bosses etc.) Barrage - 5,18 speed, 8 projectiles, 91,87% critchance, 85%accuracy, CoC(68% triggerchance) = 18,7 casts/sec. Spell 1(EK) - 2308-3631 damage, 90% critchance, 372% multiplier, 1 projectile = 191,5K dps Spell 2(spark) - 400-5396 damage, 90% critchance, 372% multiplier, 2 projectiles = 374K dps Total dps = 565K singletarget, somewhat more on multi(can't get past 20 triggers/sec, but projectiles pierce by 100% and hits ALOT of mobs with one cast) Mechanics and builddetails Let's talk mechanics. Barrage - fires 4 projectiles per activation. When you slot in the volleyfire jewel you will increase the shots to 8! This fact combined with high attackspeed from quillrain will give 40+ projectiles/sec. This is the key for this build. Transforming you into a machinegun! knockback passive - with your incredible attacks/sec you can litterary nail a boss to the wall if you work with your placement! cast on crit support - 68% chance to cast linked spells on crit with linked attackgem(barrage) this gem has a built in cooldown of 0.05sec meaning you can proc 20 spellcasts per linked spell at maximum! Let's talk crit! We will be aiming for a consistent crit of 90-95% range. Anything below will have inconsistency. We could lower the critchance for triggering coc and put those nodes towards spellcrit/multiplier. But this would lead to lower dps! Let me explain, we crit 90% and have a consistent stream of 19hits/sec. This is close to the maximum allowed hits/sec (20). If we lower the critchance and increase damage instead we will have moments where we will have both lower and higher than 20 hits/sec. Anything above will not trigger! And below is a dps loss, therefore we want CONSISTENT triggers! ![]() I would recommend getting the reverberation rod to lvl with. Slot in incinerate+faster cast+lmp and your are ready to lvl all the way to 50+ with that gear.(This is where it's time to start CoC'ing!) I would also recommend getting 1-2 elreonrings with LOW lvl requirement. This will make your incinerate free to use and you can instead reserve all your mana with HoI+HoT+anger!
lvl 30+ going cruel http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAJBBQUlHQUJNQU1nTWVCYlVOalEzUkRrZ1JMeGFfSDBFaGRpUDJKUDBtbFNvTEtsc3JDakI4TmoxRmZFMlNVVWRTN0ZWTFc2OWQ4bUhpWXF4alEyeU1jRktDWG9iT2lkT01ObzE5amItWGw1MnFvNHEwT0xURndUUEM3TlFqNDRUbEdlZFU2MlB1RHZ2MV9NVT0AEEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRQUEAAA== lvl 45+ going merciless http://poeplanner.com/AAIAANBBQUlHQVJNQVNnTWVCYlVISGcyTkRkRU9TQkV2RVpZV3Z4OUJJWFlqOWlUOUpwVXFDeXBiS3dvd2ZEWTlOOVJETVVWOFNWRk1fMDJTVGlwUlIxTHNWVXRicjEzeVllSmlyR05EWlUxc2pIQlNkY3VDWG9iT2lkT01ObzE5alg2TnY1VXVsNWVkcXFPS3BIaTBPTFRGdlRhLXA4RXp3ZFhDN00yWTFDUGUtT09FNVJublZPcGk2MlB0UC00TzhOWDc5ZnpGRUpJeU1yeHYyWVk9ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= Now we aim to start CoC'ing! Get that 6L going with Barrage+CoC+spells of choice! Almost endgame Insert levelingtree here pls Now you should start beginning to rip the maps apart. IF u got full resistances. Uncapped you should stay away from maps 70+ Final build! http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAVBBQUlHQVJNQWVnTWVCQWNGTFFXMUJ4NEk5QTJORGRFT1NBX0VFUzhSbGhhX0gwRWdiaUYySV9Za19TYVZLZ3NxV3lzS0xSOHdjVEI4TmowMzFEcENPbGc3ZkVNeFJYeEhma2xSU24xTGVFeXpUUDlOa2s0cVVEQlJSMUxzVlV0VnhsdXZYZkpoNG1Lc1kwTmxUV3BEYXhkc2pIQlNkTzExeTNydmY4YUQyNGJPaDNhSjA0cndqRGFOZlkxLWpiLVZJSlV1bDVlZHFxS2pvNHFrZUxDcnREaTB4YmpLdk9xOU5yNm53RlRCTThIVndmUEM3TVNDelpqVUk5ckIyMTdkcU43NDQ0VGpuLVVaNTFUcFJ1cGk2MlB0UC00TzhOWDc5ZnpGXzk2UC11djF3d201a19JZFF6WjU5aENTTWpLOGI5bUdoS0lIbVZud1RJND0AEEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRQUEAAA== Choose doomcast cluster(4 points) and throatseeker cluster, OR go for extra jewelslots if you got really good jewels fitting in there. Final tree is 113 points! ![]() Normal: Help Oak for HP Cruel: Kill all for skillpoint Merciless: Help Alira for powercharge Ascendancy choices and why First and most important to get this build to it's potential is getting the unstable infusion(our pcoc replacement) and deadly infusion. These two nodes alone will boost our critchance by 25%! Secondly we will go the upper route for the added poison and chaosdamage(EK works to activate bleed/poison). The reason for not going mid path is because we already clear the whole screen in less then a second. We dont need any more clearspeed! Noxious strike and toxic delivery will both boost your atziri flask. And that will work in favor vs bosses! Pros and Cons of this Build Pros 1. An extremely fun build! 2. Highspeed farming due to high clearspeed 3. There is room for change to make it how you like it Cons 1. For late game you want many 20 Q gems, it's gonna cost.. but not needed at all 2. Hard to find gear with all the stats wanted on the same item(specially the elreon rings/amu!) 3. You need to get a few gems from other characters. Not everything can be bought! 4. A pain in the ass to level if you don't got levelinggear (wands, rings, tabula etc.) ![]()
This is the gear i currently use, still much room for improvement - Found/made myself! - Bought for ~50 chaos - Bought for 4 exalted and crafted the 3 last stats myself - Found/made myself! - Found/made myself! - Found/made myself! - Found/made myself! - Found/made myself! - Found/made myself! - Found/made myself! ![]()
This is the flasks i use ![]()
6L Barrage 1/20-CoC 20/20-Inc.critical strikes 20/20-Spark(or other projectile spell) 21/20-Ethereal knives 21/20-Pierce 20/20 4L HoT 20/20-HoI 20/20-Blink arrow 1/1-Faster attacks 20/20 4L cwdt 5-immortal call 7-inc.duration 20/20-Frost wall 20/20 4L Ice golem 20/20-blood magic 20-Portal-Spare 3L Proj.weakness 20/20-Blasphemy 20/20-Inc.area of effect 20/20 ![]() Offensive screen
Screen taken with 6 powercharges up and HoI, HoT. Calculated damage is 417K and this is NOT factoring in the curse, shockstatus on mobs etc. Barrage ![]() Spark ![]() EK ![]() Defensive screen
Screen taken with no buffs ![]() ![]()
Auras Use Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder.(And versus bosses that can't be cursed we can activate Anger or Herald of Fire and Arctic armour) Curses Assasin's mark or warlords mark combined with blasphemy and Inc.aoe gem, this will leave you with only 1% mana, so we MUST cover the manacost of barrage with elreon rings! IMPORTANT! Level "cast on damage taken" gem to approriate level, i recommend a lvl that is around one third of your hp pool or maybe even as low as one fourth. Early gameplay
Since almost all your damage will come from reverberation rod and incinerate and first spelldamage nodes in tree your gear can fully focus on hp/resistances! Get spelldamage offhand if u can find a decent one, don't spend currency to buy one! Step 2: Easy grind to 50+ where you enter the next chapter "Late gameplay" Late gameplay
Now is the time to start getting as much crit chance in tree and gear as possible. The higher the chance, the better flow of dps we get. Inconsistency is a killer!(For you that is)
Multipliers are the end of endgame, get your resistances to max and Life up to 4K+ When you hit critchance 75+ and a free manacost with barrage you can just fly thru the content. A few important items that are top priority! 1. Quillrain! 2. 6L chest! 3. Elreon rings/amulet, get that cost of barrage to 0! 4. Barrage jewel to go from 4 projectiles to 8 projectiles! 5. Quicksilver pot/Evasion pot with critrefill! (and for endgame silverflask with critrefill) 6. Atziri pot for the hardhitting bosses that you need that extra LL for! 7. cwdt chain How do i go about crafting?
IGN - AlfettaGT My little shop http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/559483 Last edited by alfaPOWA#7312 on Aug 12, 2016, 1:42:06 AM Last bumped on Sep 4, 2016, 2:23:13 AM
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Works realy nice m8 !
Hit lvl 80 and the lvl´s flying fast with this dps :D Keep up the nice work! To think before you speak is like whiping your ass before you take a dump!
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Hey im gonna try this build as my 2nd character in essence, btw how you manage the hp on this build? shadow usually have a hp problem, any tips/suggestion? let me know thanks :)
Last edited by Kevzharr#6929 on Sep 4, 2016, 2:24:22 AM
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